
Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Plokman

  1. Well seeing as I have a dual core thats a binary run I suppose. But still 10 to 15 minutes tops for a still is perfect fo me. the fact that I'm having Custom textures in there with the added features of Sunflow it should all come out well. (If I made the arms and legs textures for my minifigs coorect anyway. ) Hmm 2x you say? I was thinking 4x for mine. Got to figure that out. Thamk you very much for the help.
  2. Ok this brings up a question I have due to processor speed and such. Nice model by the way anothergol love how it came out. Anyway anothergol rendered a animation and that took 6 hours to make. I'm going to assume his computer is better than my current set up (I call it "Da Toaster") and all so I'm going to ask a silly if not stupid question here. Rendering a single frame with the effects applied to it ( I plan on useing bublible's mods Fyi) won't take six hours will it? I'm not making animations yet only rendered sceen shots of my model for display on Lego Ideas. I need a rough estimate of how long single frames tend to take if at all possible since I share my current Pc.
  3. Those look absolutely beautiful. Only thing I'd do is make the wheels on the first loco blue to match it's boiler but thats me. It looks great regaurdless.
  4. Hey all, Bublible has been nothing but helpful to me but He has trouble understanding my meanings since English isn't his first language and I need help. I am nearly ready to post my first Lego ideas project and I am going to be using Bluerender with Bublible modification SunFlow to render out my screen shots for the submission. From what Bublible has told me you need to keep textures/decals to the same dimensions as LDD's textures. My major problem is there are no Guidelines to decals for Arms and Legs and my project has need for these. Anyone know how to make the textures for Arms and Legs that won't look messed up? I want the arm and leg textures to line up properly without bleeding into the areas that are taken care of by the transparency. So say I have a Arm decal that is meant to represent a t-shirt and I only want it to cover half the arm and wrap around properly how would I make it? Are there templates? If so can someone guide me to it? I really am at a impasse without this since one of my Minifigures needs to have arms with the same pattern as the Torso's print. Thanks for the help Everyone. Well off to make more textures.
  5. Anyone have a good template for Arms and Legs decals? I started a topic on this kind of thing but I need help figuring out how to keep my arm and leg decals from texture bleeding. I want to be sure the arm Texture is in proper alinement and not bleeding out into the transparency unnecessarily. If that makes any sense. I can have a habit of not being clear in my explanations to others. Edit: I think I have the solution now. Just hope it works when I render. Sorry for the trouble.
  6. Plokman

    Lego themes that we would like to happen

    I cannot stand Xenophobic themes at all. Sure there may be a race out there that is as friendly to humans as a blarog but not all creatures, Beings, or life should automatically be considered bad. We've all seen what kind of havoc we will create for ourselves if we don't consider our universal brothers. Hmm that being said I'd love to see a good guy alien based off the Flatwoods Monster. It's one of the neater ideas of aliens we humans have come up with. But please Lego for the love of the Infomaniac don't over do the "Greys"! We have them all over in space themes we need to add more life to our ideas. One thing I'd love to see a return of are the UFO and Insectoids races. Lastly for now I would love to see the return of the Hydrozone! The Hydronaughts and Stingrays were some of my fave sets. Sorry for the ramble.
  7. Plokman

    Order Cancelled?

    Oh oh dear. Well that is indeed a Kragle in the works. Wish I had a better idea to help you. Like I've said Lego themselves are always helpful. But with this it kinda becomes a "he said she said" kind of thing. Hope you get some results some how I'd hate for you to miss your Dr. Who sets. Nothing worse than missing a set you love the look of for one reason or another.
  8. Plokman

    What was your first lego set?

    Not 100% sure it was my first set and it wasn't a true set. There was a shop in my town once that was a resell shop they had named it the merchentile. Not the most original name but it was a great store. One day me and my mother were in the shop and found a blue case with the word Lego printed on it. Inside was a mismatch of parts and minifigures one of which was a M-tron fig. To this day M-ton is deeply connected to my Lego memory. I was born after Benny and his space theme brothers had passed and to me they are just as Iconic to Lego as Blacktron, Robo Raiders, or the insectoids were to some of you. You know in the sequel Lego Movie I'd love it if Benny had a friend from M-ton. One just as crazy as he is about spaceships but maybe with moon buggys to go with Benny's flight in space crazy. A good counter part for him. If they did I'd have a new favorite lego character. But Benny wouldn't be far behind him at all.
  9. Plokman

    Order Cancelled?

    I'm still waiting for my physical Lego Shop at home catalog. I live in the US and I'm just guessing it's in sorting but I'm kinda worried. Lego has never let me down before though. They treat most with respect. I'd say keep trying to get in contact with customer service and restate your case. From the fact you had trouble getting the call to go through it could be a clerical error. I hope it gets resolved for you though. Only time I ever had problems with a Lego set was on Ebay for a old Outback set. That was before me and my family knew what feedback was. That was nearly 20 years ago too. funny that was about the time I really discovered Lego for the first time. Well my most fond memories of the bricks that is.
  10. Not 100% sure this is the right part of the forum to discuss this but I thought it was the most likely candidate. So Mods if this is in the wrong place please move it for me if you can. Thank you. I thought I'd start a topic where we brainstorm ideas and see if they would fit in with the Lego Ideas formula. Sometimes the rules are vague and a idea may have a connection to something that the rules are against but at heart they are fully innocent other than maybe game play of the idea source. So if you have a idea but aren't sure it would be a good fit withing the guidelines post it here and see what everyone else thinks. To start us off one idea I wanted to submit was inspired by all the Tron idea posts. But these have all been Classic or Modern Tron. My idea how about a inbetween? How about Tron 2.0? Then I realized that it may not fit in the guidelines as Tron 2.0 is a first person game and you use gun like weapons in it. But beyond that it is nothing like the FPS they have in mind for that rule since it is non-violent (No blood, No dismemberment, Most enemies don't die, ECT) and it is part of a universe that is mostly movies and as well is a Disney franchise. So is it indeed a breach of the Lego Ideas rules or is it something that might be allowed? If the game it's self isn't we could always use the comics based off it but the game is such a untouched gold mine of ideas. So I hope that both the idea concept and the topic is a appropriate one for the forums. Whats your take everyone?
  11. Nope.avi I don't see 2.0 breaking any rule here. Like I said the First Person view is really more in common with Minecraft or SWKoTOR. Heck I'd say it's more FPRPG than FPS. Plus their no FPS rule I think clearly is in response to modern war FPS or ones like Halo (we know who got the rights to that. No they are not the same. ) Exactly I mean where is the line? I'm looking at it with a combination of factors. First the war thing, Tron 2.0 isn't promoting war, violence or any of that Jazz. Next the First Person thing Lego has done licenses on first person things before Minecraft is a key example and some of the Star Wars sets are connected to First Person games. Another note what if you want to have a set that uses a Military vehicle in a nonmilitary job. Like Sarge the Jeep from the cars line or a transport used now for search and rescue? Tanks would be out due to thir primary point of being war machines (Love treads but there is no way around this fact.) Really thats the whole point of this topic. To pass the vague Tumblers of the lock that is Lego Ideas. I'm not trying to cheat them no no. I am trying to make a key that fits well for them as well as me and you. To give our best ideas to lego with out any harm given or taken. Oh if you love the Tron Movies definitely play 2.0 It may not be cannon to the main timeline now but it is still a great story on a new modern tangent. (lets face it the computers in the movies that were explored were ment to be 80s hardware.) plus one of the weapons/tools in game is called the LOL. As for FNaF I'm not a fan of the series since all it is is jump scares. The animatronics in it don't creep me out thanks to a healthy knowledge of how to interupt circuts (my dad repairs electronics), Growing up loving robots of all sorts as well as Thomas have made me immune to the so called creepyness of the animatronics. Chip Hazard was far more frightening than Faz bear. Take away the main horror and all you got is robo puppets that jump out and stop your game. But hey I'm not trying to stifle Ideas here if anyone can make a Freddy Faz Bear set my hat will be off to them. I may even support it.
  12. Plokman

    Misprints and Other LEGO Production Oddities

    I think my Double Decker Couch Emmett has a minor misprint on his torso on the back. Ill try to get a photo of it up later. When my head isn't hurting so much.
  13. Thats kind of my point. The rules on Lego Ideas are Vague in many areas. Like with the FPS rule it doesn't state anything on violence. But I guess another rule could be the decider they say no modern combat which I take to mean anything that has happened in the last two centuries. (WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Korea, The Middle East and so forth.) But Tron 2.0 has no violence to it and is if you ask me a superfiacl FPS as it has more in common with Minecraft in it's battle mechanics and. Everything is Digital your not killing any of the programs as they are Derezzed and are reborn from backup copies. -Spoiler Alert- Only two characters die a true death in the game. I-No dies because he remains with his home system after it crashes completely (A Captain going down with his ship kinda thing as well as him being so old he couldn't adapt to the then modern computer world.) The other was corrupted beyond repair before the story start. -Spoilers End- Plus Tron 2.0 has no blood, Weapons are all energy based and your primary weapon is the iconic disc. I think it is within the bounds of the rules based off some of the past Disney Lego sets (Pirates and the lone ranger) and off most current sets. So I see no harm in at least trying it. Well I'm glad I started a good topic for once. Hmm if it's Fanaf I honest not sure how well that would work. Maybe more possible since WB bought the rights for the movie and Lego works well with them. Yeah a lot of costumes are being made available. Well Lego may keep that going you know there are alot of Cosplay possibilities in real life so why not in Lego life.
  14. "Drat that was my sweeping broom! Eyhehehehehehe!" She reminds me too much of Witch Hazel from loony tunes. I just got a minifig myself. Can't take a picture at the moment but it's this guy I know he's ment to be a Zombie but I see him more as a ghost Pirate. So I call mine "Captain Wight" Since Wight is a term often used for ghosts and such.
  15. Hmmm not bad not bad at all. I do have a few questions. 1. No Lego Island love? Pepper, Mama, Papa, Nubby, Nick and Laura are awesome characters (I'm not talking Lego Island 2 since Pepper was released in that I mean the first.) 2. What 3d printing service did you use? I'm looking into options for custom parts myself so any advice on how best to make themfunction with the real thing is mucho Appreciated.
  16. After a very long and for me worrying conversation I'd like to make a addendum to my wanted features list. Firstly get rid of my idea on custom pieces let lego decid on new elements for the sets. After all they havn't let us down before. Secondly on my decal importing idea make it like the Rotation Tool in that you can select a brick a small dialog box pops up asking you to pick a image (most likely a limit on Pixel hight and width would be best.) and then a small selector pops up in the HUD allowing you to pick the side for it to go on. Lastly I thing allowing us to set the pallet color with a eye dropper tool like how Sony Vegas handels Chroma Keys would be perfect that way you could select a color that is on screen for your currently selected element. Anyway thats the two features I truly would love to see next update. LDD team keep being awesome.
  17. Small question I noticed your set up for decals requires you to tell the Bluerender to substitute a decal Id with another. What if you want to add a decal for something that has no alternate with a decal?
  18. Right right no worries I was just wondering on it is all. wasn't sure if it was hacking now I know. Heh. Oh that is a true thing. I hope it would be simple to do as well. I'll go check it out. Oh that reminds me got to upgrade Java.
  19. Ok I know I'm most likely beating a dead horse here but I want to see what everyone else has to say. I am currently designing a set in LDD to submit to Lego Ideas and for it I want to design three new head elements much like the Battle Droid heads. I know importing decals isn't that big a issue over there but from what I have read around the net implementing new elements into LDD is a bit unwelcome. Does anyone know if it is possible to add such a piece and if Lego would get angry with me submitting such a design when my intention is to help them out if the model gets approved. If this isn't possible can anyone direct me to alternatives that I can take my built set from LDD and Import it to that I can add custom elements to? Sorry if this is a bad topic and I hope I'm not asking anything against the rules. Take care everyone and thanks.
  20. Well said indeed. I fully didn't want to mess up the relations with TLG or the LDD team. I only wanted to know if it were possible and I made the mistake of misreading the rules. Both here and over on Lego Ideas. (Didn't see that rule about no custom pieces my first read through) I never even thought of the implications for the sharing thing. I mean if I put a set up for Lego Ideas and it made it to the review stage but couldn't be approved at that point I'd definitely want to share the file with the forum and community so they could build it for themselves. After all I enjoy giving back to those who help me and this forum is honestly a great one. May I ask one last question? I just want to be sure on this but adding custom decals and Pallets into LDD is that frowned on? If doing so as of now is frowned upon I think I have a suggestion to pass on to the LDD team for a new feature. Anyway Thank you Superkalle for not Banning me. I'll make sure to read the rules thoroughly next time I post.
  21. Gonna give this a try. I doubt my computer could handel POV so this should be a nice work around. Those renders look amazing I hope my MOCs and Ideas submitions do it justice. By the way noticed how there is a blue background in the render. Any wat to make that something else? Hmm possibly Chroma keying it to put in a phot back ground or another rendered backgroun?
  22. I guess I could look into it. Like I said all else fails I just give a screen shot of the Render of the new piece concept on the Lego Ideas post. I'm also going to try Bluerender for the final render. Don't want it to look bad and those renders look awesome. (not dissing LDD's picture mode but the prerendered back grounds look miles away from the model.)
  23. I would expect becuse if you get the models out you could feasibly copy them and make molds and thats no bueno. Like I said I had no intention on breaking the rules. I just want to present a set to Lego for them to review and help them out a little.
  24. Worrying about a mistake that could get me band. I truly didn't mean to make the mistake.