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About Osiro

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  1. Osiro

    Kickstarter Custom Lego Minifigures.

    At the moment it will be able to print in all colours. It is possible to purchase a specialist metallic ink but i've not made plans to use it as yet.
  2. Osiro

    Kickstarter Custom Lego Minifigures.

    The UV printing is extremely durable, I've happily let my kids play around with the test figures and seen no signs of wearing.
  3. Hi everyone, I have today started a kickstarter campaign to purchase a UV printer in the hopes I can create and one day sell my designs to the lego / AFOL community. I have raised a large percentage of the funds already but need to raise an additional £3500 to make this dream a reality. I would really appreciate it if you guys could take a moment to check out my campaign and perhaps even back it if you see anything that takes your fancy. http://kickstarter.c...tom-minifigures I am always on hand to answer any questions or comments you may have. Many thanks for your time. Shaun