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  1. Big_Daddy

    Question to Geonosis color

    Looks like several shades of brown and nougat
  2. Indeed, just one though. As for March, is there any news already? I've been on holiday and my internet access was very limited so I may have missed something.
  3. Big_Daddy

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Question for the experts (meaning you all): how does this new version hold up to older versions? I don't have the Burrow yet and I think it would be a nice present for my wife. But there's also the option of buyin the the one from 2020 MISB for about 100 euros compared to 260 euros for this one.
  4. For January 2025 we have two 'regular' playsets (ARC-170 and Jedi interceptor) and a 4+ playset. In January this year we only had the super battle pack and a 4+ playset. I'd say that so far 2025 looks better than this year
  5. It's not ugly per se, but it doesn't really look Star Wars-y. As if it belongs to another, more generic sci-fi universe.
  6. ^We might just get to 300 within a few days if @MKJoshA would allow us to discuss The Acolyte
  7. For the lack of a better word I'm glad that there won't be any Acolyte sets. Like others have said, it would be a shame if a disaster like that would eat up set slots. As for the increase of all those buildable character/18+ sets, likely it's due to the surge in popularity that Lego got during covid. I wonder if it's just TLC being a bit too slow to pick up on a trend that may have been going downward since then. I'm not sure about this of course, but somehow I expect this disproportionate focus on 'adult' sets to be a mistake. But that's all speculation (for now).
  8. Oh don't get met wrong, I despise the clone bro mentality. I simply wish for a complete crew, and my wish for three generic ones may be influenced by nostalgia for the first version, which I didn't buy back then.
  9. I don't really care about extra minifigs with the ARC-170, I just want three unnamed clone pilots and an astromech. I might even buy multiple of those.
  10. I'm just happy to get an ARC-170 before that happens But seriously, I've been a LSW fan from the start and I've only ever been interested in playsets. I mean for me, Lego nostalgia revolves around playsets and it's this combo of Lego and SW in playset form that keeps me from losing interest.
  11. The ARC-170 is somewhere at the top of my wishlist, so next year's gonna be worth it for that alone. And Jedi Interceptors are always nice. The price however...
  12. I think the midi scale ships should have a minifig included, and the UCS sets none at all
  13. Well that Peridea set is a huge disappointment to me, although I'm not entirely sure what I did expect. I guess I'll leave it at bricklinking Thrawn. The Sarlacc pit might be interesting, although the design of the skiff doesn't really strike me as an upgrade from my precious 7104... I'll have to look if I ever find it for a decent price (which I do realize is a lot to ask).
  14. The playscale ISD seems to have the same box design that SW sets have since March