
Eurobricks Citizen
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About Ltfalcon

  • Birthday 11/14/1961

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    N.E. Arkansas
  • Interests
    Lego, GI Joe, HotWheels/Matchbox, Gaming,


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  1. finishing up on my Razorcrest
  2. Uhtred, Finan, Sihtric, Beocca, Ragnar the younger, and Brida
  3. Ltfalcon

    Wizarding World of Harry Potter Wishlist

    The Burrow along with a new Diagon Alley with the Weasley’s wizard wheezes along with Hagrid’s Hut. Would also like to see additional add on to the Great Hall, like the infirmary and clock tower and possibly dark tower, middle tower and gallery with green house
  4. Ltfalcon

    Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion

    I see the chess room and the Flying Key room?
  5. Ltfalcon

    Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion

    That may actually be the Chamber of Secrets, in the bottom level.
  6. Sure as long as they’re medieval theme. Good luck with posting them.
  7. Pathfinder Iconics Heroes update. Ezren, Lem, Valeros, Merisiel, Harsk, & Seoni
  8. A couple of “The Last Kingdom” minifigures. Ragnar the younger and Uhtred
  9. Pathfinder Iconic Heroes, Valeros, Ezren, Merisiel, Harsk, Lem, & Seoni
  10. Thanks, I just use the standard yellow sharpie trick converting the fleshies to yellow. Make sure you have a direct light source as it is easy to miss a spot. On other colors I use Vallejo paints, thinners, etc.
  11. Ltfalcon

    MOC "The Archer" - "Admiral" Movie

    Refitted my old MOC Vengeance with a new deck and open hold, also added handrail around it, she's ready to battle the Archer now.