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About clockworkmcd

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  1. aww man, it's been a few days since i did that search and i don't remember which one it was. i'll be sure to keep an eye out for some crazy behavior and definitely let you know. as i said, i had only done 4 combinations so i'll be sure to try more than that if i get some crazy results before i flag it. :)
  2. it did indeed fix it. i created a second wanted list other than just my main one and it gave me a list of all,main, and the second one i created. when i selected 'all' it loaded both my main and the other list. i was a bit curious tho. i'm not sure how it's getting it's prices but sometimes even with the 'cheapest' combination it's WAY too expensive. it appears that it doesn't take into account the price of the part. for instance i was looking for the partout of a 7$ set and if i were to buy the parts by looking at just the prices it would run me about 15$ for the parts (plus shipping) but it's cheapest was almost 90$! when i looked through some of the parts it found, they were way over priced...i did however only do 4 searches but man o man....
  3. having a bit of a problem. have .92 version. did the import and put in my username and password and it gave me the option of all or main for wanted list to import. i have only one list, but either one that i try, when i hit import the console window in the bottom almos immediately comes up with 'Found 0 Lots in 0 Lists 0 items in 0 lots imported.' any ideas?