
Eurobricks Citizen
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About Ninja_Bait

  • Birthday 02/13/1994

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    Star wars

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    LEGO, duh

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  1. Ninja_Bait

    Lego: Space - The Comic

    And now for something entirely different?
  2. Ninja_Bait

    Space Repair Garage: The Comic

    Welcome and thanks for the compliments!
  3. Ninja_Bait

    Lego: Space - The Comic

    In pages like this one you really see why Schwartz and Galanos are great partners, like Jet and Spike, Riggs and Murtaugh, or Sam and Max. Just when you think you know which one is the straight guy and which one is the wildcard... Zap!
  4. Ninja_Bait

    Space Repair Garage: The Comic

    079 by Jake Potter I've drawn out to just about 100 pages! This story is going to take a thousand pages to tell though at four panels at a time, and with all the tangents...
  5. Ninja_Bait

    Lego: Space - The Comic

    So... welcome to four-panel comics land...
  6. Ninja_Bait

    Lego: Space - The Comic

    not sure if actual contraband or Schwartz just losing it....
  7. Ninja_Bait

    Space Repair Garage: The Comic

    Exposition time
  8. Ninja_Bait

    Lego: Space - The Comic

    The drugs are in the carrots!
  9. Ninja_Bait

    Space Repair Garage: The Comic

    Hello, I'm back.
  10. Ninja_Bait

    Space Repair Garage: The Comic

    Haha thanks! I didn't forget, just had to reprioritize for a few months. I will be updating this only once a week until I think I've got capacity again but rest assured, there are a lot of pages ready to go!
  11. Ninja_Bait

    Lego: Space - The Comic

    The twins are back! I love the use of the Robot Command Center, it reminds me of Deep Thought from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie. What is the job of the spacemen in his belly? Their vapid stares make them seem so dehumanized, like they're part of the machine... Also, scrolling back to page 200 reveals quite the twist that I forgot about... eagerly awaiting Alfie's next reveal!
  12. Ninja_Bait

    Space Repair Garage: The Comic

    My “one-month” hiatus is over, and the comic is back. I spent time rebuilding the buffer and tightening the plot so I hope you enjoy! This page is the conclusion of a conversation begun in 069 so you may want to jump back to refresh your memory.
  13. Ninja_Bait

    Lego: Space - The Comic

    Yeah, Schwartz definitely has a type.
  14. Ninja_Bait

    Space Repair Garage: The Comic

    Who knows what eating all those slimeburgers will do to him?