Vincent Kessels

Eurobricks Fellows
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About Vincent Kessels

  • Rank
    Stirred, Not Shaken
  • Birthday 09/10/1971

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    Lego, science fiction, robotics, neuroscience


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  1. Vincent Kessels

    Stud.IO Parts List

    Ehm, did you look at the export options? File > Export As > Export as PartsList…
  2. Vincent Kessels

    moc Stephensons Rocket

    Hi, Here is my version of the Stephensons Rocket with passenger car. The passenger car contains a 9 Volt train motor.
  3. Vincent Kessels

    Studio Instruction Maker Query

    You can’t. You have to rotate it back to the original position in the next step.
  4. In you can switch off snapping and move bricks with the keyboard. See the preferences for the keyboard mapping.
  5. I have no performance issues with on MacOS Catalina. Have you tried lowering the render quality in Settings?
  6. Vincent Kessels

    Stud.IO Parts List

    Depends on what you mean with "vaguely useful". You can upload your design as Wanted List to BrivkLink from On the Wanted List you can set the number of bricks you already have. Then in shops you can filter on items where the wanted quantity is larger than the have quantity.
  7. Vincent Kessels

    Antique Shop

    Yes, there are lights in the shop.
  8. Vincent Kessels

    Antique Shop

    I finally finished my new modular building, the Antique Shop. It is a 16 x 32 corner module without the corner. This allows the building to be used with a street corner or with an alley. Here are some front views: The shop has a full interior: The basement contains all kinds of "antique's": The first floor contains an apartment including a kitchen and toilet: The second floor contains the bedroom and bathroom: (Click on the images for full sized versions on Flickr...)
  9. Vincent Kessels

    PAB Cups: What Did You Get?

    There aren't that many elements with multiple colors.
  10. Vincent Kessels

    EB Members Title Archive

    Baby toilet + frying pan = flower - I suspect Hinckley gave me this one. If you want to know why you have to come to Brickworld Chicago (or wait for the photo's).
  11. Vincent Kessels

    [MOC] Singel 166

    Here is my newest 8-wide Modular Building: Singel 166 (Click on the photo's for larger versions.) It has a full interior. The first floor has the vestibule with grandfathers clock and garderobe, the entrance to the basement, and the kitchen. The sitting room on the second floor with couch and tv, and the computer desk at the back. The bedroom and bathroom are on the third floor. The second and third floor are optional in true modular style. Enjoy!
  12. Vincent Kessels

    Register Now for Brickworld Chicago 2016 Convention

    Having more display space available doesn't mean I can bring more LEGO in my suitcase
  13. Vincent Kessels

    Small Square

    Here is another Modular Building module I made recently: a Small Square. There are bicycles, as is typical for any dutch square 01 - Small Square by Vincent Kessels, on Flickr 02 - Small Square by Vincent Kessels, on Flickr - Vincent
  14. Vincent Kessels

    Modular Garage

    Here is my latest modular building: a garage. The garage consists of three modules making an alternative configuration with the door on the left side possible. This car is a shorted version of the car in set 60081 - Pickup Tow Truck. For more pictures see my flickr album - Vincent