
Eurobricks Dukes
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  1. Bib Fortuna never wore a cape in the films. The new minifigure is more accurate in that regard. I think this is another case of being more accustomed to the design of the previous minifigure over what is actually depicted in the movie itself. The fat headpiece is really the only thing wrong here.
  2. wesker

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Iceman does exist in the 97 universe though. He was seen in the portrait of the original X-Men team, appeared as one of Forge's potential new recruits in the finale and was shown in the opening credits calling back to the Cold Comfort episode from the original series. In regards to Jean what gives away that her new minifigure is based on the show is the belt. Her costume was redesigned for X-Men 97 and the torso print reflects her updated look rather than the one seen in the comics and original animated series. One other thing that's worth mentioning is that the Avengers Tower didn't have any Infinity Saga or Avengers movie logos on its box art either. The Daily Bugle also didn't feature any Spider-Man branding. The only modular that has referenced its source material on the box art is the Sanctum Sanctorum.
  3. wesker

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Brick Clicker has confirmed the character line up in his latest video.
  4. wesker

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Most of us already predicted this but Magneto is now confirmed as the final figure in the X-Mansion. It isn't specified which version but I think its safe to assume it will be the same one from the X-Jet.
  5. Looks like my prediction was correct on Bib Fortuna reusing the Book of Boba Fett headpiece. He does come with a new face and torso print so at least the figure isn't completely recycled.
  6. The reveal date is rumored to be September 17th.
  7. wesker

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Face printing on black heads looks terrible most of the time but the Catwoman that came with the Shadow Box was one of their better efforts. Hopefully the quality on Gambit is closer to that figure and nothing like Mercy from Overwatch.
  8. wesker

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Considering how long we've been stuck with the micro figure over the past several years I have no problem with Ant-Man appearing in more than one set. Shame there's no sign of a non-phasing Vision anytime soon though.
  9. Looks like I was wrong about the hairpiece. I like the way the braid naturally hangs over the shoulder now rather than awkwardly wrapping around the chain on the back. Hopefully its hard plastic this time instead of rubber. I don't think the dual molded legs were necessary when the previous design looked more movie accurate. Can't seem to find the Jabba pic anywhere.
  10. wesker

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    The Endgame Final Battle set sounds pretty boring to me. Its just becoming more of the same at this point. The only interesting parts are the new Ant-Man figure and possibly Iron Spider depending on whether he has dual molding or not.
  11. I think Max Rebo will have his own head mold but it wouldn't surprise me if they cut costs on Leia's hairpiece and use a generic piece instead. I'm also curious to see what they do with Bib Fortuna. I'm expecting that they will reuse the BOBF headpiece again despite its inaccuracies to ROTJ.
  12. wesker

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Is a X-Men Advent Calendar really all that exciting though? If its anything like the past three we've gotten from Marvel its likely going to feature recycled minifigures and Christmas sweaters. What we really need at the moment is more new characters. The X-Mansion is a step in the right direction but there's still a LOT of ground left to cover between fleshing out the team and expanding the roster of villains.
  13. wesker

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    I don't mind which sets we get either but I do want to see the original cast completed as soon as possible. That includes both the characters that were skipped over last time as well as the ones that are yet to receive modern updates.
  14. wesker

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    I'd definitely prefer a X-Men CMF over another Marvel Studios one. It would more than make up for the lack of any new X-Men sets coming out next year.
  15. wesker

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Alternate heads for Morph is a great idea. I'd like to see Apocalypse saved for a future set. I think he'll benefit far more from being released as a big fig instead of a standard minifigure. Between the other two choices I'd rather get Sinister first before Bastion. Jean looks good for the most part. I'm not bothered by the lack of leg printing as she doesn't really need it. The color of the hair piece is an interesting choice as I don't think we've ever had one in reddish orange before. My only concern is the printing quality on the dark blue head. Lego hasn't had a good track record with the Captain America figures and I hope they've improved the opacity here.