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A little about me - I'm a young AFOL, my favorite pastimes are Lego building and constructing falsehoods (whether writing or playing tricks), I love castles and I'm ready to go beyond simply watching the excellent builders here and start joining in the fun. To share a little more about myself, I've chosen some of the pictures that best display my tastes and building style (or lack thereof...).


IMAG3080 by Gilbert Despathens, on Flickr

This is my latest project, an experiment in economical tan stonework and landscaping. More details are available here:


image by Gilbert Despathens, on Flickr

This is my icon (or it would be if the system wasn't fighting back): Gilbert Despathens, a one-eyed vagabond in a pith hat. This might be a good time to mention that I use a pseudonym for my Lego building.


IMAG0225 by Gilbert Despathens, on Flickr


IMAG0228 by Gilbert Despathens, on Flickr

These are partial images of my favorite MOC to date, a tavern interior. Again, find a complete overview on MOCpages:


IMAG0175 by Gilbert Despathens, on Flickr


IMAG0162 by Gilbert Despathens, on Flickr

This scene and figure were inspired by the 2013 Tomb Raider game and tied for first place in their bracket of a minifigure contest. This build also includes (closer to the bottom) my original sloped-rock technique.


IMAG0123 by Gilbert Despathens, on Flickr


IMAG0107-1 by Gilbert Despathens, on Flickr

The space pirate and his ship were the top choice in another bracket of the contest.

The archer, however, was the winner overall - and she used only purist parts.


IMAG3018 by Gilbert Despathens, on Flickr

This was an experiment in landscaping.

I have a lot more on MOCpages, but there is plenty to come in the future and I intend to start sharing it here. Until next time, keep building!

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Welcome to Eurobricks! I'm pretty new here, as well. I really love your castle construction, and look forward to hearing more from you. Keep on building!

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