
[MOC] Christmas miracle

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Hi there!

I want to introduce my first Christmas MOC, which was made special for "New Year Contest" in our Russian Lego community. My MOC took only 4th place (only two votes and it can took 3rd), but there was many strong competitors.

This is illustration of a typical contrast between two kids from families with big difference of the level of wealth (and their demeanor).


Alena is a obedient, kind and careful girl. She is from poor family, it so happened that she has only her grandfather. Their flat is not in good condition, and Alena do not get expensive gifts, but she is not discouraged and rejoices in small things.


Jana is very harmful, selfish and used to getting everything she wants. She is from prosperous family and lives with her parents in luxurious flat. Every Christmas and B Day Jana is accustomed to get super presents just because she is a doughter of rich parents.


Alena was a very good girl whole year and she wrote the letter to Santa, in which she asked about her main dream - the puppy. And what do You think? Santa Claus has got her letter, came into her flat in Christmas Eve and gave to Alena her present - a little puppy, which immediately was named Foxy (Alena has long been thought up a name for her dream). Now this is the best Christmas for Alena.


Yana was a naughty girl all year and when she heard about the new iPhone, she asked her parents to buy it to her, because she did not believe in Santa. Unfortunately, Jana's father did not got a Christmas bonus in this year and he had to buy a gift for less money. Jana got HTC smartphone instead of gold iPhone 5s. Jana's Christmas is ruined.


Happy Alena with her grandfather and Santa.


Dissatisfied Jana and her parents.


The moral of this story is in on the surface and I hope I do not need to explain anything :)

Thanks for watching!

The whole set is here

Edited by inquisitor88

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Excellent work, a delightful story to prove that the more humble you are the rewards are greater......typical young brat next door ticked off not getting a gold phone yet the girl next door is happy, no overjoyed to have a puppy.

Brick On 'inquisitor88' ! :grin:

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Nice MOC. Well done.

The other entries in the contest must have been really good to beat this. Could you share the link to the Russian forum thread, please?

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Thanks for comments! :sweet:

CoNSpiracy, the other Christmas Contest's MOCs are here

The prizes was:

1st place - 20140 russian roubles (~ 400 eur)

2nd place - 2014 russian roubles (~ 40 eur)

3rd place - 20,14% discount in sponsor's store

If You are interested in current Contest "Animals 16x16", You can see the MOCs here

The condition for this contest is: to make any animal from real life which must be not bigger than 16x16 baseplate (slight deviations are accepted).

You may register account here (use the left window, because the votes from users which logged in by social networks are not counted) and vote.

Edited by inquisitor88

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I really love this scene you have constructed here...beautiful detailing and design techniques.

I would be the same with an htc :P

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