
LEGO Ultra Agents 2014

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If any of you own the Vermin Vaporizer, use the Green Squad Robot as Terabyte's henchman. Fits chornologically, thematically, and in terms of color scheme: Terabyte hacks the robot of Solomon's former friend and uses it against him. Plus, it's green! :grin:

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Clever idea, and nice additional GS tie-in! I might try that if/when I get the HQ.

Does anyone think that the Agents' robot dog, P.U.P. (seen in the HQ chapter of the app), could be physically built?

Edited by 8BrickMario

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The new agents HQ is nothing like the old one.


You gotta admit that the old one is much better. Maybe save your money and buy the old version of agents HQ instead.

I disagree. As an owner of the old one, it's extremely flimsy. I also like how the inside roof serves as a platform in this version.

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Clever idea, and nice additional GS tie-in! I might try that if/when I get the HQ.

Does anyone think that the Agents' robot dog, P.U.P. (seen in the HQ chapter of the app), could be physically built?

Like the old Space Police dog.

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The new agents HQ is nothing like the old one.


You gotta admit that the old one is much better. Maybe save your money and buy the old version of agents HQ instead.

Sure, they're different, but that's intentional. They're not supposed to be the same thing, just a reference to the original HQ. I quite like the folded look of the new one, and the way it splits and unfolds is really clever as well. There are more exclusive characters in the new one, too. I'll say I like both, but I need to get the new HQ to truly form an opinion. The vehicles and their stowage were so much better in the old one, though.

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I do like this theme a lot. Quite frustrated by the mini fig distribution though. The flying sets Toxicita and Hurricane both suck and have great exclusive mini figs.

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What about Meltdown don't you like? The aesthetic is a bit odd, but, honestly I appreciate the Agents 2.0 reference. Hurricane Heist is definitely down there with Tremor. No problem with them, but their drab militatistic colors and less interesting minifigures don't appeal to me as much.

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So. Going to the Lego Store sometime soon-ish. Over the weekend. I want to pick up either the HQ or Hurricane Heist. But I can't decide which I should go for...

Hurricane Heist cause I can't pass up a good mech. HQ because I love that truck and... I can't pass up a good mech. I like the look of both, it's a matter of which is more enjoyable.

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Depends on whether or not, objectively, you want the heroes or the villains to be the main focus of your choice.

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I've seen it said by someone here (I believe) that they'd recommend Hurricane Heist over Mission HQ, so there's that.

The HQ set would offer more play value purely in terms of content, but one thing to consider too is which set will complement well with those you already have, as that'll make for added play possibilities. If it's a matter of getting one later on, maybe the robot build in the HQ set could tide you over in the meantime?

Hopefully that'll get you thinking (not in circles).

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Well, I'm probably going to get all the sets at some point. I'd get the HQ because right now I have Tremor, Toxikita and Infearno, so balance-wise, the Agents are bit outnumbered so-to-speak. Hurricane Heist just looks cool, and hey: transforming feature.

Minifigs don't really matter to me considering I'm mostly getting the sets because I like how they look.

Right now I'm leaning more towards the HQ... But I haven't settled on it completely.

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If you're going to orchestrate a whole adventure, with missions, a city component and the like, then perhaps it'd make more sense to grab the mission-focused sets first and then have the HQ tie everything together. From a numbers standpoint, you could go for the more expensive set first so you're more receptive to the cheaper one when you're ready. Maybe one of those points might help.

Incidentally, 3 out of 6 sets (including HQ) are sold out on the website right now. Should that be taken as a good indication of the theme's popularity?

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I really need to get some of these. My opinion:

Best: HQ and Infearno

Good: Tremor and Toxikita

Meh: Riverside Raid

No: Hurricane Heist

Though that review for the old HQ makes me sad inside...I wanted that SO BAD. :cry_sad:

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Out of curiosity, what makes the HH a "no" for you? I was considering getting it as my next set.

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Out of curiosity, what makes the HH a "no" for you? I was considering getting it as my next set.

I feel the same, i think this has to be one of the best sets of the year

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The HH is a cool set ,the little hover bike is a nice build and the Mech looks cool in both modes, the build was fun and the Minifigs are all pretty cool especially Psyclone.

Edited by Dr.Cogg

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What about Meltdown don't you like?

The helicopter. Just looks like a bunch of reject spare parts to me

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The Hurricane Heist is a no for me because it just looks like every existing olive green part jumbled up in a different order. Can't see those big parts being very useful in mocs.

Edited by robuko

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To me it seems as good as the Galaxy Squad Vermin Vaporizer: a great build in and of itself (and one of the two sets that I've kept built), with lots of play value and which makes a great display item, but indeed with relatively low parts value. However, the parts assortment of the Hurricane Heist seems much better to me than that of the truck, and it includes a lot of very useful generic bricks. And, while it's hard to do so, olive green can have a great effect on a MOC if incorporated properly.

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Got Toxikita and Riverside Raid. Waiting to build them, but the parts are great in Meltdown. Has to be the most Bright Light Orange in one set excluding Chima, and the pieces in new colors, too! Lime donut rings, BLO half-cylinders and engine cones, the Technic cages, and the triconnector in black for the rotors, too.

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It's interesting how the Hurricane Heist seems to be the "Marmite" of the wave though, in that you either love it or you hate it. I'm personally in the "Love" camp, having bought the set a week ago. It looks good both as a mech and a flyer (just don't look at the back of it in Mech mode, it's a little spartan :wink: ) though slightly smaller than the box art makes it out to be. Plus, I absolutely love Psyclone (what, I have a soft spot for heroes and villains that only have one eye :classic: ) and is so easily repurposed as a normal jet fighter pilot, just swap out the head if need be.

I'm also planning to pick up the Infearno and Tremor sets at some point. I'd pick up everything in Ultra Agents but lots of other new sets are clamouring for my money and shelf space, so I really do have to pick and choose what I like best.

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Meltdown is great! I suffered through the Astor Lab build, since I wanted to get to the helicopter (and Toxikita) and I am very pleased. The cockpit and side bubbles integrate well, and the Technic beams and pin-hoses add to the industrial/scrap-heap feel. The color scheme is great, and I like the new piece colors. I only wish Retox (and Adam Acid) had Bright Green arms to match the head, since the heads are trans-bright green. The lime would match trans-neon yellow like Dr. D. Zaster, but the only minifigures with Bright Green arms are the Dino Suit Guy and polybag Hulk. Toxi's great, though. Her look totally clashes with her app voice, but I like the two faces, although I don't understand why one is human and one is less so.

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Yeah I can understand a lot of hesitation with TTM and HH. The villain vehicles in this line are not always attention grabbing. Toxitas Helicopter thingy is odd, and the HH copter mech is a love it or hate it thing. Which is a shame because both sets have some fantastic figs. Did anyone honestly think we would ever see the hazmat suit again? In a new color no less? After all of the horror stories about what it took to produce those CMF's I figured they would not go back there ever again. But gloriously they did.

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