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With Episode One of Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka now launched and Bespin under invasion, I thought I'd have a go at creating one of Cloud City's residents, someone LEGO hasn't yet had a spin at. The Cloud Car Pilot, part of the Bespin Wing Guard, the security forces on Bespin.

LEGO have only released one Cloud Car in the Star Wars Line, 7119 back in 2002 (thats not including the recent mini-build), and that came with Lobot, so no actual cloud car pilots have been made. Because they only feature in the film for a split second, there is little information on the uniform, so this version is mostly constructed from the action figure, which is why he has that awesome seventies moustache. Also included is the parts list so everything matches up. (Forgot to add that he is equipped with a DC-17 tiny blaster)


Click the image to go to my Flickr Page, where the full size image can be downloaded for your enjoyment.

I would love to see where in the universe he ends up (especially in any Nar Eurbrikka free-builds), so if you do end up using him, please post some pics or links.

If there's demand for it, I can make a few more alternative pilot heads and ranks when I get a chance. ^_^

Edited by Concore

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Excellent work on the design. :sweet:


Thank you. ^_^

Taking inspiration from the Constable in Series 11 of the CMF, I've reworked the moustache to make it more... 'moustachey' and defined the lip. In addition I've also uploaded a Yellow skin version for those LEGO Purists out there.


Twin Pod Cloud Car Pilot (LEGO Skin Edition) by Concorer, on Flickr

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I must admit don't have much experience at all in minifig customization, but these are very professional-looking decals, and quite an interesting factoid about the pilots in the movie. :thumbup:


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Yeah, I like those designs as well, including the Ice Maker guy, hadn't even heard of him, but then again I'm not as deep into SW mythos as others. Great job! My only thing I would think about though is including those logos on those of LEGO and SW, as they are trademarked and could be troublesome unless actually being commissioned by Lego. Just something to think about. Keep up the designing, I like your style!

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