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These are a couple of head decals I made a while back. If you click on each image, it will take you to my DeviantART Page which has super-big versions of them for you to download (right-hand sidebar), print and play with. Enjoy!


Red Skull: The Captain America Villian, the Red Skull. Their is bound to be a Red Skull minifig being thrown around somewhere in the pipe works at LEGO, its just a matter of time. Captain America has no other nemesis as popular as the nazi slap-head, unless you count Iron Man. (civilwaramirite?)


The Scarecrow: Not a massive fan of the official LEGO Batman Scarecrow, for me he's a bit too graphic and not really in keeping with the LEGO's house style, so I took a shot at making him more LEGO-y. What you think?

Edited by Concore

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Aces, that skull is Perfect, just 8 posts and you already shine.

And thanks for sharing with clear background, that helps a bunch, specially for direct prints. If (when I print it ) I'll post a pic here.

Any chance a torso is on the way?? - This is greedy me talking.

Nice work with the scarecrow, but he looks "too cute" IMO. Clueless, angry, scary or maniacal laugh, now thats the scarecrow, cute mmmh Nope. :blush:

Edited by CustomJoe_MD

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Perhaps a faint sack cloth texture on the scarecrow head would help it look more odd and less cute? Less like a very tanned villain. lol. I do like the scarecrow though. the sewn up mouth is creepy enough while still maintaining the cartoon look of Lego minifigs.

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