Hi everyone! New to the forums here. I started getting back into Legos about 3 years ago when I got the Apple Tree House as a Christmas gift. I loved Legos as a kid and made many creations. I had a few little sets, like the camper, the emergency treatment center, and a small house kit. Anyway, long story short, I loved the Apple Tree House and since then I have been collecting the Creator houses. I have all but the original Town House and the first Family Home. They are great for a quick build with my daughter, and then she plays with them for days. I came across the modular buildings one day online, and of course, I now want to collect those! But, since they are pricey, I think I will need to space out my purchases. Also, I fully expect never to obtain Green Grocer or Cafe Corner, because I'm just not willing to spend that much money. But, I would love to collect the ones currently available. It seems that Fire Brigade would be the one to get now since it is the oldest and could retire soon. On to my actual question (sorry for the long post!): are the prices on Amazon (and the Lego store) generally what these sets cost? It looks like 3 are $149 and Town Hall is usually $199 (was on sale on Amazon for $177 for a few days). I keep a watch on ebay too, and I notice that there are so many listings for these sets, both used and new, that are way above those prices. I keep wondering why would anyone pay that much when you can get them cheaper on Amazon? Which made me wonder if it's a total fluke that they are all priced at $149 on Amazon right now, and I'm going to kick myself later when the prices go up..... Anyway, sorry, I hope I explained my concerns well enough. Basically, I don't want to miss out on decent pricing (I've seen how quickly they can increase in price once they are no longer readily available), but I know I can't buy them all right now...