Maxim I

Kaliphlin Embassador Nohr Mahn's Embassy in Mitgardia

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(out of character)

I made this with the leftover bricks from my Palace and Embassy for Nocturnus, so it was originally not really planned to build this.

Also, the 2 guards with yellow shield are in fact 2 knights of the Warrior Guild of Mpya Stedor, but in this MOC, they are just 2 Mitgardians passing by.

And there is a big possibility that this building will be re-used in the future, but in Mpya Stedor (without the roof and snow).

(in character)


On a very cold morning somewhere a few weeks ago, the Mpya Stedor Mitgardian headtrader, Sir Nohr Mahn, had to stay in the city of Stoneroda (if it's still ok for Kabel) due the unnormal quantity of snow. After talking with the chiefs of the colourful city, Nohr Mahn made the genious plan to make a small Kaliphlin Embassy on a free spot. He knew Lord Damaximus would support him with this embassy, so he started looking around for some materials and people to help him found the Embassy. Even it was freezing cold, the Embassy was ready before most Berserkers even noticed there was a small constructionsite in their town. Now Sir Nohr Mahn could finally have a home for himself and still being the head trader of Mpya Stedor for the Mitgardia Region.




The backside:





Hope you like it!

For myself, I am very pleased with the result as the amount of available bricks was sort of a handicap for me :classic:

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Nice work DaMaximus! The embassy is a nice size and the interior is well furnished. That game of checkers (or whatever it is) seems rather heated... :look: I like your balcony as well, it gives the front of the embassy a nice focus. However, you might want to consider doing a little more landscaping, assuming you have enough parts - rocks, snow drifts, cobblestone paths or mud tracks, vegetation etc. Also, you could build up the snow drift on the roof a little more to make it look more realistic. Little details like that can really help a good building like yours stand out. :thumbup:

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Those shields work great here... It totally blends Mitgardian feel with Kaliphlin colours! :laugh:

Nice touch with the sword under the bed.

It'll probably be hard with the limited bricks, but as Gabe mentioned - a little more build up would help. It's brick intensive, but ever so nice.

Though given the collection, I think this was really well done!

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I really have to say, that give the limited amount of bricks you still had available you did a pretty good job, and what I really like is how you transitioned to Stoneroda by having your roof face the street and not the gable. Cool, I like it, if Stoneroda 1450 was still intact, I'd integrate it, but I took most of it aparte as I'm moving toward Stoneroda 1640 ..

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Very nice entry, the story explains the small size very well. Good use of simple parts like shields and the tree for a local atmosphere. The checkers game looks like it's about to cause some major berserking!


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Nice. This embassey is very Kaliphlin looking, and quite obviously in Mitgardia. Although isn't the green and yellow flag in the corner Avalonia's?

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Nice. This embassey is very Kaliphlin looking, and quite obviously in Mitgardia. Although isn't the green and yellow flag in the corner Avalonia's?

Avalonia is Dark Green with Light Green :wink:

Thx for the kind words!

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