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Mister Phes

Stunning Pirate MOCs

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Puerto Brico

Is this a MOC or a prototype for a glorious new Pirate set? Unfortunately for us its a MOC so we'll probably never have the opportunity to own and build this marvellous creation. But for BaronSat it demonstrates his magnificent building skills and his ability to utilise recent LEGO pieces to achieve a creation that bares a sense of yesteryear while creating new boundries but exceeding their limits.

To view more images of Puerto Brico or discuss this MOC, visit this thread.


Ship Vignette

BaronSat's latest offering is this superbly detailed Ship Vignette (or is it a diaorama)? Once again the Baron demonstrates his mastery of the brick and attention to detail in this depiction of a ship cross section.

To view more images or discuss Ship Vignette visit this thread.

To view more of BaronSat's brilliant creations visit his official website.

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