
Expand the Winter Village Contest

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Classic-Town.net and Eurobricks invite you to create your own addition to the popular winter village subtheme that TLG has presented during the holiday season for the past two years.

The Idea

As we enter the holiday season yet again, thoughts turn to fun and winter activities and where better to enjoy those than in your own Winter Village? So far, TLG has provided us with two places to visit, a lovely Winter Toy Shop and an equally inviting Winter Bakery, but wouldn't it be nice to have an even larger Winter Village full of festive fun?

Well, now you can, by expanding the theme with your own Winter inspired creation!

The Rules

  • Entries must be posted by midnight UTC, December 24th, 2010.
  • One entry per member.
  • Entries should be new (never posted anywhere previously) and similar in style and size to the previous official TLG releases, Winter Toy Shop (815 pieces / 7 minifigs) and Winter Bakery (687 pieces / 7 minifigs).
  • All entries are to include only real LEGO. No clone brands, 3rd party parts, or digital entries allowed.
  • Decals will be allowed if you've made them yourself, but no cutting, sculpting or modifying parts.
  • Entries are to be placed in their own entry topic in the Town forum. The title of the topic should begin with "Winter Village: " and then give the name of the entry.
  • The entry post (first post in your entry topic) may be edited at any time up to the end of the contest, so feel free to make improvements if you wish.
  • Entries are to consist of no more than 5 posted pictures of 800x600 or smaller resolution but may also include a link to a folder of additional images of any size.
  • We reserve the right to disqualify any entry that does not follow these rules.


TBA :wink:

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Red Brick is either going to be really mad or really happy :grin:

I wanna do this so bad, but I won't be able to due to my lack of white pieces. :tongue:

Oh well. I guess I'll just have get the Winter Toy Shop.

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I wanna do this so bad, but I won't be able to due to my lack of white pieces. :tongue:

Maybe it hasn't snowed yet? :look:

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Maybe it hasn't snowed yet? :look:

But wouldn't it be weird seeing a building in a Winter village without snow right beside a toy shop or bakery packed with snow? :tongue:

I'll see what I can do.

Edited by prateek

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Looks great. Await my entry. :cry_happy:

Although, yellowed *oh2* white pieces may be a problem for me...

But this looks like an awesome contest. Can't wait for some incredible entries.

A quick question: are we to design the entries as MOCs, i.e just a building, or as fairly realistic set designs (like the inclusion of brickbuilt trees, skating rinks, and general off baseplate accessories)

I think you mean more along the lines of a set idea. :classic:

Edited by Commander Laquiet

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cool im up for this, only problem i have is the wrong batch of minifigures :sceptic:

most of mine are licensed and most of those are starwars..

oh well I'll try to make it town relates as possible

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I wanna do this so bad, but I won't be able to due to my lack of white pieces. :tongue:

Maybe it hasn't snowed yet? :look:

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Count me in......ideas are starting to come to me as I type this.

I do have some white rood tiles, now as long as 'The Red Brick' doesn't take any of our ideas ! :laugh:

Keep on singing 'let it snow, let it snow !' :sweet:

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Maybe it hasn't snowed yet? :look:

Maybe it hasn't snowed yet? :look:

We're going BACK ... TO THE FUTURE! :wacko:

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Although, yellowed *oh2* white pieces may be a problem for me...

Don't eat the yellow snow! :sick:

What a fun competition. I will surely try to put something together for this. As it gets hotter and hotter here, I shall dream of a cold white Christmas.

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We're going BACK ... TO THE FUTURE!
That is why we need to do it ... YESTERDAY :), but anyway, nice contest, our whole village is a winter village so another building will be nice to have.

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I own both The Winter Bakkery and Winter Toy Shop they are on top of my table.I even added lights to them for effect. And I was surprised those old Lego lights still work after 25 years!!

I have had some ideas for extra buildings, figures and more. This contest may be a good reason to go ahead and build them and see if I still can build my own designs. (I haven't done that in years). Let's see if I can find the time.

Good luck to all builders!

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EB staff never fails to amaze me with such great contest ideas! :thumbup:

I will do my best to enter it. Just can't miss it! ) One question though: Are custom elements allowed? Minifigs, first of all?

Good day, ladies and gentlemen! ) :classic:

Edited by The Penguin

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Nice contest idea :thumbup:. I actually started planning a winter village themed building this weekend, so I guess I'll develop that idea into something I can use for this contest :sweet:

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Are custom elements allowed? Minifigs, first of all?

A new rule appears:

Decals will be allowed if you've made them yourself, but no cutting, sculpting or modifying parts.

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Although, yellowed *oh2* white pieces may be a problem for me...

Yellow snow?


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But can we use custom elements like brickforges new lamp post? :grin:

You may have failed to notice the rule about official LEGO parts only, so I'll mention it again.


Thanks. :sweet:

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You may have failed to notice the rule about official LEGO parts only, so I'll mention it again.


Thanks. :sweet:

Oh okay :sweet:

Edited by Darth Jar Jar

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Red Brick is either going to be really mad or really happy default_laugh2.gif

I'm kinda both, because I have loads of buildings but they have allready been posted default_laugh2.gif But I also still have 5 buildings which have never been posted before (now I need to decide which one I'll enter)

Count me in default_thumbup.gif

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cool im up for this, only problem i have is the wrong batch of minifigures :sceptic:

most of mine are licensed and most of those are starwars..

oh well I'll try to make it town relates as possible

Use your Hoth figs. :D

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What a nice idea for a contest! I'll definitely try to enter. The rule on the size of the entry is a bit vague though. What's the maximum limit of pieces/minifigs we can use?

Also, how is the winner determined?

Something tells me I know what the prizes are. :tongue:

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