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Rat Award Entry

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Hi. This is my Rat Award entry. I hope I'm not late this time. :pir-grin:

Here we see three Redcoats sitting at a bistro and eating what appears to be brownies and a chocolate covered banana. The sign on the bistro says "Ratshit's Dessertz", but the redcoat's dismissed this as "just another bluecoat error".


What they don't know is that the name of this place is meant quite litterally as all the dishes are made of - you guessed it - rat excrement! :pir_laugh2: Here we see Chef Ratshot working in the kitchen.


Here is a side view:


I hope you like it. :pir-blush:

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yummy bananas and brownies...

wait a second... this banana is a little too... ripe!

pesky rats.

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Hehe, thanks. By the way, could a mod please add "TOR II" in front of the title? :pir-blush:

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Funny entry! :pir_laugh2: At least my sigfig is smart enough not to eat it......, WAIT is that my sigfig?!? :pir-oh3:

Great entry! :pir-sweet:


General Redwater

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Indeed it is! And you're not just eating it, you're gobbling it up! :pir_laugh2: Bon appetite!

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And you're not just eating it, you're gobbling it up! :pir_laugh2:

At the time I couldn't resist the dark juicy taste. The smell was a bit off though..... :pir-look:


General Redwater

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Haha, very funny entry for the Rat Award of this Tournament. The Chef Cook however looks like an extreme cheapskate, using rat droppings as chocolate, but then again, only for the Redcoats probably :pir_laugh2: .

Finally he found a 'weapon' worth fighting with, since his little knife really was too short! :pir-devil: (insider joke)

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2783 posts

One of the best entries yet, good luck!

The Chef Cook however looks like an extreme cheapskate, using rat droppings as chocolate, but then again, only for the Redcoats probably :pir_laugh2: .

Finally he found a 'weapon' worth fighting with, since his little knife really was too short! :pir-devil: (insider joke)

:imperialguard_commander1: Yeah.....whatever. :pir-laugh:

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594 posts

Hehe, you did well show the stupidity of the Redcoats, well done! :pirate_skel1:

They can't even read!

I like your roof. Simple but it works well.

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