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Sadness to the staff about mine. Oh well. I guess I'll have to earn another one...

I'm sorry to see yours gone. It, unlike mine, fit you well.

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I got a title... a weirdly fitting one "I want a hampster" because I do, kinda, they are cute, but they are a lot of work. I guess this was given by Phred because of a slightly off topic pet conversation during BoBS...

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I'm pretty sure you got that funny title because Hampsters don't exist. Hamsters do, and Hampers do, but a Hampster is a funny thing to want. Is it a Hamster stuck in a Hamper? Or a Hamper shaped like a Hamster? Perhaps it's like a Hipster, but in rodent format? Who knows, but I'm sorry to tell you, BrickOn, that you will not be getting a Hampster any time soon. Maybe a Hamster though.

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I'm pretty sure you got that funny title because Hampsters don't exist. Hamsters do, and Hampers do, but a Hampster is a funny thing to want. Is it a Hamster stuck in a Hamper? Or a Hamper shaped like a Hamster? Perhaps it's like a Hipster, but in rodent format? Who knows, but I'm sorry to tell you, BrickOn, that you will not be getting a Hampster any time soon. Maybe a Hamster though.

Well probably not since I wrote hamster in my post, however hampster is one of those interesting examples of words where the spelling could change over time, to follow the way we pronounce the word. I like the nadder example too, where the word changed from 'a nadder' to 'an adder', words and spellings can change, best not to get too attached :-p

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Sorry for the misspelling. :blush:


I guess this was given by Phred because of a slightly off topic pet conversation during BoBS...

Yes, that discussion was only SLIGHTLY off topic. :pir-laugh:

It seemed to lightened the mood in BoBS though, which was very good at the time. :thumbup:

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You are Spam Poet again!

Edited by Robert8

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Baby toilet + frying pan = flower - I suspect Hinckley gave me this one. If you want to know why you have to come to Brickworld Chicago (or wait for the photo's).

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Once a red coat, not always a red coat.

Got this for singing in Brethren of the Brick Seas for the blue side, Oleon. And my singature once read, once a redcoat, always a redcoat! However im still a redcoat in my heart even if I turned my coat. Yes you may call me a filthy turncoat. :pir-grin::innocent:

Captain Becker

Edited by Captain Becker

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Can't get a date from Corney :(

Because Corney wouldn't go on a man date with me. Hinck says it's not me, it's him- but I think it is me... and I think Hinck thinks that too.

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Can't get a date from Corney :(

:iamded_lol: I still think Corney missed out on a good night.

There have been a lot of good titles as a result of Brickworld. :laugh:

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Not good at planning man dates

Corney believes it is all my fault that man date fell through- though we both know he was just scared of my animal magnetism.

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You're just too much man for me. Can you blame me for being afraid?

And you know it. You got 350 days to man up and prepare for man date 2017!

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Not good at planning idiot cowboy parties

This was the subtitle for man date 2016.

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I don't think I've posted about the last few titles, but the most recent is

Shroom Eating Cultist - Magical fungi have taught me to worship a Rubix Cube.

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I was going to post this here and I forgot 


needs in–home care 

For being the only one to realize that the form turned into a shoe store that one time

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"Burnin' people with the truth!"

I think this was from Stash... probably due to my last comment in the Rude Moderators thread.

Edited by Robianco

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