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Got 8043 couple of days ago.

Parts - really good set. But as model, it sucks. Why? M Motors doesnt have enough power to raise excavator arm, or drive smoothly whole excavator. Visual - model is awesome (ofc without stickers, stickers sucks ! :P)

Obviously, quite a few people including myself have built this model and have had no problem with the power of the M-motors. There are a number of videos showing it working. I'd guess that there is a problem with your construction. Elsewhere in this thread, it has been discussed that if the two lift actuators are not at the exact same length, some binding may occur. I'd recommend fiddling with and seeing if you can get it to work better. I don't think there's a fundamental flaw in the design. Saying it sucks is pretty harsh.

Edited by Blakbird

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I totally agree!

Lego is a BUILDING toy.

By taking it apart, rebuilding it and "fiddling on" there are always ways to get the model working smoothly.

That's why we all love LEGO.

Don't give up!

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and today arrived a new LEGO catalog "Sommer 2010" (germany) in which the Technic sets 8052 (Container-Truck, 59,99EUR), 8053 (Mobiler Kran, 99,99EUR), 8043 (Motorisierter Raupenbagger, 159,99EUR) and 8051 (Motorrad, 39,99EUR) are offered. Seems the new sets become available now in germany. :cry_happy:

and now in the german Today I discovered 8043, 8053, 8052 and 8051. :cry_happy:

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Here is 2 videos I made to show how it is like after I motorize it using power function parts. I follow the motorizing instructions in the last part of book 3 of the instructions.

Part 1 of 2 showing why I would later remove the clutch gear; it requires alot of torque to raise and extend the boom at the same time.

Part 2 of 2 showing the extending, raising the boom and winch and vice versa.

Having the clutch gear is more of a safety device as if you are not paying attention you will end up with some horrible gear grinding sound :wacko:

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I can confirm that the Lego store at the Mall of America has the excavator (8043), crane (8053), and container truck (8052) in stock - at least as of 10:30 am this morning. The excavator is $179.99, but I didn't catch the prices for the other two new sets.

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It seems like 8051, 8052 and 8053 are available at S@H in all regions. No signs of 8043 in US/Canada though.

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Read some rumours about 9 (NINE) new sets for 2011.

3 of theme were to be on display at LEGOWorld.

But you know what they say about rumours:

They are just rumours until somebody gets some conformation....

So lets just wait and enjoy the 2h2010 sets.

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...but Legoworld 2010 is not until October 19-28 in The Netherlands! Surely there will be some pictures released before then. After all, folks have to save some money for holiday gifts.... :wink:

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Lets hope it's sooner than that. Looking back at the first post, we should hopefully see 1H2011 sets in a month :cry_happy:

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The 8043 cost 194€ on s@h in France.

What a rip off ! :hmpf_bad:

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I can't even see what is wrong with that. :wacko: It might make the tracks dirty, but is otherwise harmless.

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I can't even see what is wrong with that. :wacko: It might make the tracks dirty, but is otherwise harmless.

My guess is that they had complaints over the bulldozer; with it's lower motors it would be more subject to sand damage. But yeah, aside from increasing gear wear and general dirtiness if you were careful it shouldn't be that big a deal with the excavator.

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Except small particles getting into and jamming the Linear Actuators and possible motors...

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@ Anio:

Must be an typo if you check the prices in the rest of Europe.

If you want to know for sure give S@H a call!

So when it IS true, i guess S@H wont't be selling that much sets in France... :thumbdown:

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Mobile Crane 8053 AUD $179.99

Motorized Excavator 8043 AUD $349.99


It's local or nothing for me at those prices. I got the Crane Truck for $200 rather than $299.99; hopefully I can get the excavator for $250.

(The punctuation for the crane is rather funny; "Crane and cockpit spin 360?" :wacko: )

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My guess is that they had complaints over the bulldozer; with it's lower motors it would be more subject to sand damage. But yeah, aside from increasing gear wear and general dirtiness if you were careful it shouldn't be that big a deal with the excavator.

Agreed, and people do all kinds of stuff like trial trucks. Apart from a few breakages and wear, I don't see anything wrong.

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... if you were careful ...

Seeing my own kids playing, my opinion is that TLG wants to be safe about complaints!

If parents think it's safe to play with the excavator in the sandbox but gets damaged while sand (or other dirt) gets into the motors or the transmission system they would claim TLG for this.

And you know how many parts get damaged in a truck trial? Think about it if TLG has to replace every part which gets damaged!?

But I have the same opinion, if you're careful and know what you're doing and don't complain TLG if parts get scratched or damaged it's safe to play outside in the dirt. Remember, the set is supposed for the age from 11 to 16. We're AFOLs!

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...if you were careful it shouldn't be that big a deal with the excavator.

Do you know a¡many really careful kids? :laugh:

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