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LEGO Porsche 911 RSR Motorize & Remote control

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As you’ve already been told in another topic, when posting, you should follow the EB posting rules.
EB is not a promotional tool.
As outlined in the site rules, we ask members to put effort into presenting their models.
Simply posting one link to an external site is not a good start.

Please take a moment to read the site rules again, edit your post, and create a proper presentation using images, text, and/or video.


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13 minutes ago, CONCEPTBRICK said:

How should I place a video to showcase my work?

The idea is to showcase everything on the forum so that members don’t need to visit other sites to see your build.
Take some time to edit your first images, write text, explain what you did, how you did it, and why, and link the video.

You can check out how others have done theirs. Here’s a great recent example for reference:


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