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[ENTRY] [SMALL] Steve's Island Holiday

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After a life of merchanting and piracy, Steve finally decided to retire. He sets sail for Kahuka's Island, hoping to spend his days as a geriatric who lives by the beach, with the company of the local Islanders. This micro-scale MOC shows his boat approaching the island, in anticipation of his holiday.


P.S. How do you embed YouTube videos on Eurobricks? I've done it before, but can't remember how.

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Story :

A fitting ending to our hero's journey! The island does look lush and perfectly livable for anyone. But where is Steve? I'd use a microfig or a few studs piled on top of one another to achieve the desired effect.

Build and presentation :

The statue looks brilliant, and the horn pieces are a great way to show waves, and that roofed building is a valuable addition, but the lack of a beach is disappointing (simply fixed with a few tan pieces instead of lime green ones).

I like this addition to the "miniature-scale builds" in the contest. 

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On 7/20/2024 at 4:28 PM, YellowFrog said:

P.S. How do you embed YouTube videos on Eurobricks? I've done it before, but can't remember how.

You should be able to copy and paste the raw URL straight from YouTube and then it automatically converts into a video it after you've pasted it here. 

Seems that didn't happen so I've fixed it.

Also, I completely missed this entry when it was first posted but now Steve's Island Holiday has been incorporated into the Entries Index. pir-steve.gif



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Ahoy Matey!

You know me by now- It’s Captain Crit, back with another criticism sandwhich for polly!

Ye did a great job buildin’ this, a good ending to the story of Steve. A simple story, yet effective, and with. a great build to accompany it.

It was a tough task to come up with a critique for this build, as it looks quite good already. The biggest thing I can think of is the same as what has already been said- perhaps add some tan for the beach, rather than just the lime. It could also maybe use some scattered trans-blue pieces to represent water along the shoreline as well. 

Me favorite part o’ the build is the irregular shaped island. It is quite cleanly done. I also like the horns for water, they really add to the presentation. The microscale is quite well executed throughout the build too.

Fair Winds Matey!

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That trans-blue parts idea is a great one, and I have to second it!

And I do agree that the irregular shape is quite impressive, this is a really underrated and undercommented-on build, hopefully that'll now change!

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This one is really nice and I like the video showcasing it being built. The minimalism is executed well, it looks like something from a Nintendo game. The shapes are all pretty much perfect and the towering islander statue on the top brings it together. I think the way you created the building and a unique angle for the roof is creative but I don't like how it all sits loosely however. I can't really think of a better way to achieve the same look though.

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Nice build. Good choice of colors, lime does not always work but here it fits. Good job with the fence around the village, NPU.

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16 hours ago, Autumn said:

I don't like how it all sits loosely however. I can't really think of a better way to achieve the same look though.

Neither, but I didn't really have a choice. Same with the horn pieces: I wanted wave crests, but not loose pieces. Such is life.

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