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[OL-FB] No quarter for the traitors!

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Limerey, Occupied territory of Myrph, September 608

The village was burning, all around him... a funeral pyre for their dreams of freedom. They had lost, and soon they would have been dead. Jacob clung to his musket, as the ground below his feet started to tremble. He heard some yells coming from their first line of barricades, followed by some musket shots. The final assault was coming, and they could do nothing to stop it.


Only a couple of weeks before, the odds seemed on the rebels' side: with the army of Oleon advancing in the Juniper Province, and the Corrish troops retreating eastwards in disorder, they had taken their chance. The bells of the temples rang the tocsin as the old uniforms of the Myrph Guards emerged from attics and cellars, and muskets were recovered from their secret hideouts. For the first time since he was born, Jacob could finally see the glorious flag of Myrph, his nation, flying over the buildings of his hometown.
The rebels quickly took control of Limerey, Tonglare, Stonemill, and a handful of smaller towns, and forced the Corrish garrison to retreat into the Castle of Gueverey. They also took their revenge against the occupiers: the hated bailiff of Tonglare was hanged in the main square, together with other Corrish officers, and some captured redcoats were brutally murdered in a nearby hamlet.
But the tides had turned, and the rebels knew they could expect no mercy. If the army of Oleon had ever been on their way, indeed, the soldiers of Corrington had arrived before!


A new series of shots and screams came from the eastern barricades, and then a squadron of cavalry burst into the main street. Jacob tried to aim his musket, but it was late... the horsemen were too close and too fast, and they were already upon them! Some of the rebels tried to brace for the attack, but most of them started running for their lives, or remained still, paralyzed by fear.

Something hit Jacob, throwing him violently to the ground. He rolled, trying to get away from the hooves, but he was hit again, and everything got dark.


When he woke up again, several hours later, it was late night. His head hurt terribly, and so did his right leg, bent in an unnatural angle. Something warm was making his hair wet... weird, Jacob didn't remember it was raining. He vaguely realized that the houses around him were burning, but this didn't seem important... nothing seemed, actually: he felt so tired...

"Hey, Leonard, come! This one is still alive!" -A voice yelled, seemingly from several miles away- "He is messed up, but he's still breathing! Get him on the cart!".

Jacob tried to talk, but words didn't come. As the two men got closer, he realized with relief that they were not redcoats... wait, redcoats? Memories started to flash in front of his eyes: the horsemen setting his village on fire...


...his friends falling around him, slashed by the sabers of the enemies...


...and the enemy commander leading the charge. As the two men started to move him, and Jacob started to faint again, he could almost hear him yelling again, in the language of Myrph: "Give them no quarters! They are all traitors! No mercy for the rebels!" 



Overall view of the build



Hello guys! As Era III is approaching, I felt the need for a darker secondary character… someone I could make sail under a black flag and get involved in less honourable businesses!

This first part is set during the Juniper War, during which I imagined some (revolts) turmoils in the Corrish occupied territories could have occurred. As I will clarify in later builds, the brutal officer (who will appear again) is also from a loyalist Myrph militia unit (hence the orange epaulettes), but feel free to ask me for any changes.

Differently from my main storylines, I will use flesh-coloured minifigs (I don’t plan Jacob to meet my more reputable characters).

Edited by Keymonus

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Exciting and interesting story. I enjoyed learning about the Brick Seas past. A great action build, the burning roof is very well done. The story and build remind me of The Patriot when Colonel William Tavington causes a lot of mischief with his dragoons.

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Captivating and well written story as always!

My only comment would be to refrain from using a figure the way it came in a set, especially when using fleshies. The Luke and Flitch figures come with great pieces, but having the figures unchanged makes it impossible (at least for me) to see the figures as anyone else than their movie character

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56 minutes ago, NOD said:

Exciting and interesting story. I enjoyed learning about the Brick Seas past. A great action build, the burning roof is very well done. The story and build remind me of The Patriot when Colonel William Tavington causes a lot of mischief with his dragoons.


Thanks! The burning roof is the detail I’m most proud of! I also had indeed something similar to the Colonel of the Patriot in mind for my character’s nemesis, even if I don’t plan further parallels between the stories.

This part of the past story is partly canon (there was a recent war, in which Oleon annexed a western Corrington province; the Corrish province of Myrph was independent until 30 years before our timeline)  and partly not (this specific revolt and repression). I like sometimes digging a little into the past events, as I did also for my main character’s backstory!

1 hour ago, Justsomebrix said:

Captivating and well written story as always!

My only "critique"/ advice, would be to never use a full figure the way it came in a set, especially when using flesh figures. The Luke and Flitch figures come with great pieces, but having the figures unchanged makes it impossible (at least for me) to see the figures as anyone else than their movie character

Thanks! I also try to avoid unchanged minifigs (unless they are in the very background) even if they aesthetic fits well. For Luke I had thought about a little cameo I forgot to mention (the Jedi master losing his last fight). Flitch instead was a very last second addition (as I was taking the pictures one of the corners seemed too empty), therefore I “stole” it directly from my HP set without opening my minifig box

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At least here Luke's doing something useful and not being depressed on a backwater planet :grin:.

Like the others have stated: interesting read and accompanying build. Always cool to dig into some background stories. I'm not very familiar with everything concerning the Juniper War and its factions, so it was a bit difficult to follow. At least the uniform colors make it very easy to understand visually :tongue:.

Also interesting to see that characters of ill-repute are fleshies, haha!

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37 minutes ago, Khorne said:

Like the others have stated: interesting read and accompanying build. Always cool to dig into some background stories.

Thanks! I plan to have another build in this character’s past and then to move to El Oleonda in current days!

About the Juniper War: the only thing which is canon is that Oleon invaded and conquered the Juniper province during a short war. Myrph was a small independent state occupied by Corrington during a previous war, and from the maps it should be nearby:

While it is not canon, I thought that having a small (actually only a couple of border villages) rebellion during the war could’ve been reasonable…

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