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3 hours ago, doclord said:

So if we got Fang, Vector, Crouch Sr and the Fat Friar this year finally, will we get the Bloody Baron next year? Any other (movie) characters on that level we are missing? 

We still haven’t gotten Narcissa Malfoy or Errol since the reboot. Other notables would be:

Rufus Scrimgeor 

Marge Dursley 

Millicent Bulstrode 

Tom the Barkeeper

Professor Grubbly-Plank

Charity Burbage 


Cormac McLaggen 

Alicia Spinet

Katie Bell

Bill Weasley 

There are others of course, but these ones tend to fall in to the same categories we got this year  


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16 hours ago, brickbride said:


Really? I don't care much for the HP movies in general, but yeah, that implication about Fleur seems truly unfortunate to me, too. And there aren't many strong women in JK's world either, compared to the number of men. There's a reason why Hermione and especially Luna appear in so many sets, even though Luna at least isn't an important character. Or why Harry's main love interest in the books is a girl who he has barely any interaction with! Throughout the books Harry's female classmates are portrayed much more unfavourably than his male classmates (such as Lavender and Parvati, the vain and giggling Trelawney fangirls, vs. "regular blokes" Dean and Seamus). This might tie into some of JK's other unfortunate attitudes such as love potions being no big deal, marriage right out of high school being the ideal you should aspire to, or Lily's marriage to a bully who tormented her supposed best friend for almost a decade being the height of romance.

Some curious takes here in my opinion. The schools guarantee one boy and one girl with a third child being either. The tournament only happens every two hundred years, so it's not like anyone has to worry about it too much. I would argue that there are several strong female roles in the books, but for the same reason that boys appear more favourable than girls, we see it that way because the narrator (Harry) is unreliable and a boy. Love potions are an incredibly important deal because anyone conceived under one is incapable of actual love, hence Voldemort and his biggest weakness. Marriage after school isn't the pinnacle of achievement when so much stock is put in O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s. James and Lily's relationship is only held in reverence by Harry, and then he's conflicted about it after the events of HBP.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, (1)Stein said:

Here is a picture from the instruction manual from 76426 which doesn't have the outline around 76435 where the complete front castle section can be viewed a little more clearly!

Again click to zoom!


Unless it's two sets entirely, the tower is silly large in that picture. The other picture, the squished one, has a more realistic size for a set.

53 minutes ago, Accio Lego said:

We still haven’t gotten Narcissa Malfoy or Errol since the reboot. Other notables would be:

Rufus Scrimgeor 

Marge Dursley 

Millicent Bulstrode 

Tom the Barkeeper

Professor Grubbly-Plank

Charity Burbage 


Cormac McLaggen 

Alicia Spinet

Katie Bell

Bill Weasley 

There are others of course, but these ones tend to fall in to the same categories we got this year  


I don't know half of them so I believe it. Marge feels very likely for another Dursley house refresh (unless that set sold astronomically bad) and Bill is a shoe-in for shelf scale Gringotts

Edited by doclord

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21 minutes ago, doclord said:

Unless it's two sets entirely, the tower is silly large in that picture. The other picture, the squished one, has a more realistic size for a set.


The dorm tower wich also features the grand staircase was usually depicted as a very large tower. 

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2 hours ago, doclord said:

Bill is a shoe-in for shelf scale Gringotts

It’s far more likely we’ll get him in this year’s Collectors Edition Burrow. I only included him on the list because we don’t have any sort of official character list for that set yet. Bill didn’t make the cut for the Gringotts D2C despite speculation, so I doubt he’d be included in a scaled back playset version. 

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Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, Accio Lego said:

It’s far more likely we’ll get him in this year’s Collectors Edition Burrow. I only included him on the list because we don’t have any sort of official character list for that set yet. Bill didn’t make the cut for the Gringotts D2C despite speculation, so I doubt he’d be included in a scaled back playset version. 

Good point with the Burrow. I was thinking playscale Gringotts because the first playscale DA set was partially Wizarding World themed, so they could continue that idea by having him in the set as a nod to that.

Edited by doclord

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, RedHoodPug said:

I would argue that there are several strong female roles in the books, but for the same reason that boys appear more favourable than girls, we see it that way because the narrator (Harry) is unreliable and a boy. Love potions are an incredibly important deal because anyone conceived under one is incapable of actual love, hence Voldemort and his biggest weakness. Marriage after school isn't the pinnacle of achievement when so much stock is put in O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s. James and Lily's relationship is only held in reverence by Harry, and then he's conflicted about it after the events of HBP.

Harry and boys: It's of course true that Harry is an unreliable narrator and a boy, but that's really no reason why boys should necessarily appear more favourable than girls. I got the definitive feeling that JK herself despises giggly "girly" girls, probably at least in part because she's admitted to Hermione being her author avatar, and could not conceive of their being heroic. Even when they've been Sorted into Gryffindor.

Love potions: I didn't mean that they're not plot-relevant. I meant that the "good" characters aren't anywhere near as uncomfortable with them as they should be. Can you even imagine your best friend sending your eleven-year-old son a date rape drug as a going-to-school gift like Ron did with Albus Severus in "Cursed Child"? And Harry let him keep it. That's some stellar parenting! It also means that Ron himself thinks nothing much of having been dosed with a date rape drug meant for Harry when they were at school.

Marriage after school: Again, those aren't mutually exclusive. (Though really, it's not like Harry and Ron take their exams seriously, and Hermione is often ridiculed for doing so.) Pretty much everyone important in the books either marries people they've known at Hogwarts shortly after leaving Hogwarts, or doesn't get married at all. And most of those marriages are within the same House, too. The idea that you might build a life after Hogwarts - associating with graduates from other Houses or even from different schools -, meet new people, and THEN fall in love seems really foreign to this world. Even though it would make a ton more sense in terms of genetics alone, given how small Hogwarts classes are and how small and insular the English Wizarding community is depicted of being.

James and Lily's relationship: The only people in Canon to ever object to it, especially on account of James' character, are Snape and Petunia. Everyone else sees Lily and James as the ultimate battle couple who tried a tragic but noble death, and James especially as a glowing example of Gryffindor qualities. But then, the issues of bullying and child abuse are being downplayed throughout the books, and authority figures who seem completely indifferent to them are still portrayed as wise and fair, so maybe that should not be a surprise.



In terms of new sets: I'm one of the people who aren't excited for a UCS Burrow, either. Like some have said, the Burrow to me isn't that important a location. I'd rather collect the castle or maybe one day Diagon Alley. Even Hogsmeade would be preferrable. I also don't much like the Weasleys in general and wouldn't want their house - especially since, again, it doesn't fit in with anything else.

Edited by brickbride

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Let's stick to LEGO as most people have been doing. When you recognise it's off topic, it doesn't belong. Thanks.

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Do you think the next big modules will include the two connecting bridges shown in the blurred outline? How would they do it?

It would be a bit weird for a set of the viaduct entrance building to have the long viaduct leading to knowhere, with just a dead drop at the end 

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Bugbot20082 said:

Do you think the next big modules will include the two connecting bridges shown in the blurred outline? How would they do it?

It would be a bit weird for a set of the viaduct entrance building to have the long viaduct leading to knowhere, with just a dead drop at the end 

Personally I think the main viaduct should be a separate set. It will be a large enough # of bricks that the price point could be a $35-45 USD set. I just don't know if there is an iconic of enough scene that can be done on it.

The small back viaduct will be included in either of the towers it connects to, but I would be surprised if it was in both of them.

EDIT: Was thinking more and I think the only scene from the movies from the Viaduct would be McGonagall before the Battle of Hogwarts deploying the statues. Doesn't feel like that scene would be good enough for a set.

Edited by Virginia_Bricks

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Virginia_Bricks said:

Was thinking more and I think the only scene from the movies from the Viaduct would be McGonagall before the Battle of Hogwarts deploying the statues. Doesn't feel like that scene would be good enough for a set.

I mean, a large battle (including giants) then proceeds to happen on it. Just because the three most iconic final fights happened in different places doesn’t change the fact that there was a lot going on there during the battle. 

Frankly, I’ve always thought we needed multiple sets to cover the Battle of Hogwarts. The fact that we got two last year and are still critically missing both Ron in his battle clothes and a new version of Narcissa is a pretty good demonstration on how you just need more sets to get all the major players in minifig form. It’s also worth noting that if Lego ends up doing a castle based Battle of Hogwarts set, the Neville v Voldemort confrontation, the Molly v Bellatrix duel, Neville slaying Nagini, and Harry’s final duel with Voldemort happen in the front courtyard, the Great Hall, Entrance staircase, and front courtyard again respectively. All those locations were just covered in the new system’s flagship set, so if you wanted to do a big final battle set in the same system, the most logical choice would be to do the viaduct bridge where McGonagall’s statue army engages the death eaters and where Harry breaks and tosses the Elder Wand after the battle. (And speaking of Harry destroying the Elder Wand, that’s the final scene of the entire franchise if you don’t count the epilogue, that’s pretty significant even if it isn’t a high action scene that you could make a set based on)

Edited by Accio Lego

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Posted (edited)
On 6/20/2024 at 2:54 PM, Virginia_Bricks said:

Personally I think the main viaduct should be a separate set. It will be a large enough # of bricks that the price point could be a $35-45 USD set. I just don't know if there is an iconic of enough scene that can be done on it.

EDIT: Was thinking more and I think the only scene from the movies from the Viaduct would be McGonagall before the Battle of Hogwarts deploying the statues. Doesn't feel like that scene would be good enough for a set.

Good ideas, but as you say the viaduct itself is not that ‘fun’ itself for a playset… I have another idea how they could do the viaduct: make it a facade with the I rear side being an unrelated internal room, such as the Slytherin Common room. The arches could be filled in with transparent dark green 1x2x5 bricks as the windows for the room but creating the illusion of empty space from the other side when used in the main display set up 

Edited by Bugbot20082

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For those in Australia, Target have the Great Hall and Madam Malkin's available online now as part of their 20% off sale. Looks like most of this wave will hopefully come out as part of the this sale which is great timing.

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My first Harry Potter set, it was Christmas 2001, was Hagrid's Hut. After more than 20 years and other three huts (PoA 2003 - the only one I haven't -, 2010, PoA 2019), LEGO managed to give me the same feelings of those old days.

The 76429 set, Hagrid's Hut: An Unexpected Visit, that yesterday I had time to build with my brother, gifted me with the same vibes of 2001: entering, with Harry, Ron and Hermione, in a tiny, confy, friend's home. Near the fireplace crackling flames kids, and adult too, can experience and recreate the Norbert PS scene or talk about strange Hogwarts happenings, discussing about lessons, quidditch, Snape and Malfoy, or preparing new adventures.

The set, in my opinion, perfectly captures the PS and CoS Hagrid's hut from the movies. A completely closed hut, with removable roof and openable rear, easily playable. The sidebuild, nothing special, is a nice add. Norbert, Fang and character variants well complete the location and the scene depicted.

Some minor personal issues: I'm not sure about Fang reddish brown colour and I think a random animal, like a spider or a rat, could have been there.


For now, I built 2 of the 2024 sets - Owlery and Hugrid's Hut - and I find them really well done.

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1 hour ago, BrickMatit said:

My first Harry Potter set, it was Christmas 2001, was Hagrid's Hut. After more than 20 years and other three huts (PoA 2003 - the only one I haven't -, 2010, PoA 2019), LEGO managed to give me the same feelings of those old days.

The 76429 set, Hagrid's Hut: An Unexpected Visit, that yesterday I had time to build with my brother, gifted me with the same vibes of 2001: entering, with Harry, Ron and Hermione, in a tiny, confy, friend's home. Near the fireplace crackling flames kids, and adult too, can experience and recreate the Norbert PS scene or talk about strange Hogwarts happenings, discussing about lessons, quidditch, Snape and Malfoy, or preparing new adventures.

The set, in my opinion, perfectly captures the PS and CoS Hagrid's hut from the movies. A completely closed hut, with removable roof and openable rear, easily playable. The sidebuild, nothing special, is a nice add. Norbert, Fang and character variants well complete the location and the scene depicted.

Some minor personal issues: I'm not sure about Fang reddish brown colour and I think a random animal, like a spider or a rat, could have been there.


For now, I built 2 of the 2024 sets - Owlery and Hugrid's Hut - and I find them really well done.

Got the same feeling while building Hagrid's Hut. You should get Boat House set, it is very well done for such a small set, and has 5 random animals included.

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5 hours ago, Jaromir said:

You should get Boat House set, it is very well done for such a small set, and has 5 random animals included.

Thanks for the suggestion! I already bought the set - and, by the way, also the Great Hall with a good discount and Potions Classroom; I'm waiting to have some spare time to build it.

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Just got the new visual dictionary today, and turns out Cedric has a new alternate faceprint that shows the air bubble he uses to breathe underwater! Pretty neat :thumbup:

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3 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Just got the new visual dictionary today, and turns out Cedric has a new alternate faceprint that shows the air bubble he uses to breathe underwater! Pretty neat :thumbup:

Nice, I was hoping for something like that!

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6 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Just got the new visual dictionary today, and turns out Cedric has a new alternate faceprint that shows the air bubble he uses to breathe underwater! Pretty neat :thumbup:

Ooh! Any chance you could post a photo (is it allowed?). I am scrounging the internet for it but no one has posted it.

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On 7/3/2024 at 1:38 AM, joeee said:

Ooh! Any chance you could post a photo (is it allowed?). I am scrounging the internet for it but no one has posted it.

If you are still looking for a pic: Lego_potter_collector on instagram has a photo.

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On 7/3/2024 at 1:38 AM, joeee said:

Ooh! Any chance you could post a photo (is it allowed?). I am scrounging the internet for it but no one has posted it.

Sorry, I completely forgot about it :blush: Thank you, @mark1991t, for providing a picture!

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Thank you, to the both of you! Ooh, as a Hufflepuff, this new variant of Cedric is AWESOME!

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As a completist, I'd love to get a Second Task Fleur with her own bubble-head to complete the champions lineup, but alas I don't think kid-friendly Lego is in any rush to create a sexy blonde in a skimpy swimsuit minifig. I'll just have to pretend Fleur's out of sight getting defeated by Grindylows, or MOC her in her robe recovering after the attack.

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14 hours ago, Felkin said:

As a completist, I'd love to get a Second Task Fleur with her own bubble-head to complete the champions lineup, but alas I don't think kid-friendly Lego is in any rush to create a sexy blonde in a skimpy swimsuit minifig. I'll just have to pretend Fleur's out of sight getting defeated by Grindylows, or MOC her in her robe recovering after the attack.

I don’t see why they couldn’t. Fleur in a swimsuit might have been titillating to the Hogwarts students in-universe, but realistically speaking she’s just in a fairly modest single piece swimsuit. It’s functionally identical to the CMF series 7 Swimming Champion’s costume, and I know they’ve done similar designs since too. 

In fact, the only reasons to do Cedric of Fleur for the book specifically are 1) Cedric has more plot relevance and 2) Fleur would require new legs while Cedric doesn’t. Personally, I think second task Fleur with a grindylow and some pondweed would make a decent polybag or cmf figure (or even a bricktober character if they ever brought those back), and I hope the designers find a way to sneak her in somewhere someday. 

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14 hours ago, Accio Lego said:

I don’t see why they couldn’t. Fleur in a swimsuit might have been titillating to the Hogwarts students in-universe, but realistically speaking she’s just in a fairly modest single piece swimsuit. It’s functionally identical to the CMF series 7 Swimming Champion’s costume, and I know they’ve done similar designs since too. 

In fact, the only reasons to do Cedric of Fleur for the book specifically are 1) Cedric has more plot relevance and 2) Fleur would require new legs while Cedric doesn’t. Personally, I think second task Fleur with a grindylow and some pondweed would make a decent polybag or cmf figure (or even a bricktober character if they ever brought those back), and I hope the designers find a way to sneak her in somewhere someday. 

Also, not like minifigures are exactly perfect representations. So just modify the design slightly so it fits as a kids toy. I mean the legs for Harry and Victor are full length when they should have been dual-molded to be perfectly accurate.

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