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[WIP] Gondol-Rail

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Trying to come up with another way to move coaster trains without the reliable but large standard. 



The best of both Gondola Lifts and Light Rail!


Rope driven trains with one motor in the station! 

Works much like a gondola lift, cars attached to a loop of string with one big motor moving all of them. 



Not sure how much further I will go with this concept, but I love weird forms of movement.

Biggest flaw, very hard to tension, one wrong move and you are knocking down half your towers.

And find some way to stick a motor in that tensioner... maybe with one of those technic actuators 


Edited by Electricsteam

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What an Interesting idea. Maybe you could build all this system underneath the tracks (extending the base of the "train" itself). This would not only make it cleaner but you could extend this to make some sort of attraction for an amusement park. 

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18 hours ago, Electricsteam said:

Biggest flaw, very hard to tension, one wrong move and you are knocking down half your towers.

You could cross brace the towers easily enough, if you’re at Ashland train day I can show you how I brace the mountaintops on my layout.

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Complete assembly for motor and tensioner 


Trying to have it pull from the middle, but the string needs to pull down far enough to clear the rubber tire.

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