
Technic fifth wheel detachable towing unit

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(Admin, if this is in the wrong place, can you please move it still learning the roads here)w

I don’t know whether this is a thing in Europe,


I in America, when heavy recovery trucks/wreckers or out busy, they use a standard truck with a detachable towing unit, has anybody decided, or ever made a design? They could use Efferson Safeways towing custom design, peace. Then create an under lift to fit onto the fifth wheel and a couple of motors to lift it and pull it,

I’d love to make one, but I can’t, looking to design one with someone if anybody is thinking about it, would be nice to have a model show, so you could take one truck into two different things, one that could pull a trailer than one that could have a Btu to pull a ruined vehicle. I think it would be pretty cool. Just thinking on how the motors would work.


 a Btu to pull a ruined vehicle. I think it would be pretty cool. Just thinking on how the motors would work.

Going to crack out my iPad tomorrow. And see if I can find a Lego design app where I can make one on there that works and attaches off the fifth wheel. I think it would be really cool. I have quite a few ideas up my sleeve it’s just a shame I can’t put them to paper. 

What is everybody’s idea/feedback would love to hear what your input is


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I’ve never seen one of those built out of Lego.  I think most people would just prefer to build a regular tow truck. 

You could build it two different ways; the first method would be to build a DTU with a battery box and motors on it, with the truck having its own motors and battery box.  The second method would be to house all the motors and battery box(es) in the chassis and transfer the power to the DTU via gears that mesh together between the chassis and DTU.   

I think you should have a go at building it!  All the fun in Technic is building your own things.  All the trial and error and figuring things out is pretty rewarding when it all works.  Then you can show all of us your cool creation that you built!  

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@thequeenjoI built a minuteman repo mechanism that is an add-on to a pick up bed such as the Ford Raptor. The mechanism can be planted on a structure such as DTU. It's on eurobricks and rebrickable just a simple free moc so maybe it can give you something to work with. 

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