
Big Brick City Survey 2022

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the-big-brick-city-survey_lego-city-quesHello! Been a while since I’ve lurked here. 

I have a survey about LEGO cities around the world called the Big Brick City Survey, which I’d love as many LEGO fans to complete as possible; it should take 5 - 15 minutes to complete depending on how in-depth you like to be, and we’re offering a £100 / €100 / $100 LEGO prize for an entrant drawn at random (if you want to share your details - you can still complete the form without giving me those).  

We’re hoping to be able to spot a few trends, and present some fun facts about LEGO fans’ towns and cities around the world once we’ve processed the entries, hopefully around early March next year. The questionnaire asks about your city name, and any meaning you have associated with it, the size of it, how your city is governed, and if you have any notable landmarks.

The survey form closes on Monday 30th January 2023. More information and the form are at

Look forward to seeing your cities!


Edited by BricksMcgee
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Just did the survey, 'twas a bit hard answering few questions as my city isn't of the usual type (focuses more on forests and beaches rather than highways and rows of buildings), but all in all a good survey. :pir-thumb:

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8 hours ago, Jack Sassy said:

Just did the survey, 'twas a bit hard answering few questions as my city isn't of the usual type (focuses more on forests and beaches rather than highways and rows of buildings), but all in all a good survey. :pir-thumb:

Thank you! Much appreciated.

Open to ideas to make the questions more relevant to folks - pm me or email if you like. This is the first year, I’m hoping we can make the questions / answers more relevant over the years whilst retaining enough consistent queries over the years to track any trends.  

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4 hours ago, BricksMcgee said:

Open to ideas to make the questions more relevant to folks

That's just me, I am sure most people will find yer questions easy to answer.

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On 12/31/2022 at 12:20 AM, Jack Sassy said:

That's just me, I am sure most people will find yer questions easy to answer.

We tried to cover every eventuality, but that’s a bit of a losing battle. Thanks again for completing it!

Edited by BricksMcgee

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