
(R5 - Korriban - FF) Life of a Lackey

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The Cold War! A busy, populated time of suspicion and poorly-thought-out aesthetics. Back then, Korriban was the bustling hub world of the Sith Empire, a place of factories, academies, and internal politics.

But not everyone had a cool job; some were just rank-and-file Sith troopers, made to walk around the blistering desert while wearing all black, ostensibly to look for spies. You want to talk about evil? It doesn't get much worse than the smell of a Sith uniform after patrol. Don't feel too bad for them though: they've killed innocents without remorse and they have terrible attitudes.

On one such patrol, Trooper Cudiss finds mysterious bit of debris—a sensor package packed into a sort of probe droid head. Could the Republic be spying on Korriban? (Of course the Republic is spying on Korriban.)

He must report this immediately!

What Cudiss thinks is vital, urgent information actually... isn't. It is fateful for him, however. In fact, it's his dutiful reporting of this pedestrian information that will bring about his untimely, lighting-themed death at the hands of an inpatient Sith Lord who felt his precious time was wasted. (Sith have always been a petty, wasteful bunch.)

So ends the story of Trooper Cudiss, may his name be always remembered. Once again, don't feel too bad. But you can feel a little bad.

Such was the life of a lackey.




Thanks for looking!

Edited by goatman461

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