
[GBW] - Sidebuild - Brotherhood - The Way Things Are

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3 Weeks ago...

"This is just the way things are" Afi Koemain said looking at Jack who just delivered a shipment of supplies to the mountain top retreat where Afi and his men were setting up.


"You SIS guys think the world is more complicated than it is. We are the difference in all things that happen here."

"You will see before this is conflict is over how decisively a few pounds of explosives and some bullets can alter history." He continued

Looking over the Horizon, Jack just let out a sigh and replied "You can't win a global war in the dirt Afi. Maybe some day you will see the big picture."

Present Day....

Landing at the Ramaz Hydro Dam, Jack and his partner Mike Harrigan formerly of the Soalon Intelligence Service and Brick of Nations were to meet with the Shaykh. To think that just a few months prior, Jack was hunting him and now meeting with him was mind blowing. 


"Watch my back Mike."

"I have you dude, no sweat."


Looking onward at the Shayk approaching their helicopter, Jack says sarcastically "Love what you've done with the place. I remember the budget proposals that had to get passed to build this place the same time I was tracking you through caves in the south west."


Staring blankly back, the Shaykh responded "This is simply the beginning Mr. Jack. We'll harvest the power here and starve our attackers. We have things in the works that you could not possibly imagine."

Jack seemingly unfazed by this "Did you bring the money?"

"Unlike you, I am a man of my word." Signaling back to his men, they unload a crate from the truck and bring it over.


"Oh don't worry" said Jack "I brought your toys too."

The men unload a crate from the helicopter dropping it at the Shaykh's feet. 

Upon opening it, the Shaykh's eyes go wide.


"With this, we will bring them to their knees. It is not the power of the weapon, but how you use it." He said examining the contents. 

"Let's get something straight" Jack said stepping up the crate. "We may need each other now, sure. For the time being, I'll keep taking your money so I can actually fight this war the real way. When this is all over? I'll be coming for you. You know the terms with this, stick to it or I'll bury you now."


Turning to leave he looked over his shoulder and said "By the way, they know about the bridge thing, your guys like to talk. Good luck." 

Getting on his radio after the chopper took off the Shaykh reaches out.


"The bridge will fail but it doesn't matter. Tell your men we are ready for the next phase. Look to the airport and next the island." 



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Fantastic work I love the presentation and development of the story, I think for my next two builds I am going to make an effort to present the story more like this, not sure if I'll manage but I do adore it so.

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The story gets more and more interesting! I wonder since it shouldn't be a "powerful weapon", that missile could contain a chemical or bacteriological agent, or EMP, if as stated it could turn the tide of the conflict. Its potential use will surely cause a violent escalation. :wink:

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