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[Colossal Castle Contest XVIII] Gargoyle King Equilithrias Mons the Very First

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[Colossal Castle Contest XVIII] Gargoyle King Equilithrias Mons the Very First

50799444607_3c5c1382d0_b.jpg[Colossal Castle Contest XVIII] Gargoyle King Equilithrias Mons the Very First by MWardancer, auf Flickr

50798763703_d204d9e221_b.jpg[Colossal Castle Contest XVIII] Gargoyle King Equilithrias Mons the Very First by MWardancer, auf Flickr

Nobody really knows how this Gargoyle Rock Centaur Demi-Demon God King came into existence. The legend says he rose from the lava fields at the battle of Ayran after the final vulcanic eruption had swallowed man and horse, flesh and stone, angels and demons alike. A gentle giant on four hooves with a body weight of three and a half tons. While Gargoyle beauty ideals dictate that female Gargoyles need to scrape away their moss as they are obsessed with looking younger than 800 years, some dark green patches are regarded as a status symbol, i.e. age symbol, among males.

Customization Notes:
- the centaur body was painted completely
- the armor is an atlantis armor bend backwards and and drilled and glued and painted
- the weapon is a naginata with a new flame and painted
- the wings are some old hero factory wings from 2014, painted
- the hair is Thranduils hair, it had to be cut short and drilled and painted


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The armour looks great. I've never seen it used around a waist instead of the neck, but it is really effective. Poor scalped Thranduil.

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Thanks MAB. The bent armor happened more or less by accident. I tried to break off the back of the armor, but it just bent backwards and then I noticed that it did fit.

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