
[Q10 - Yitabo - CFS] Discovery in the Field

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Sibo looked at the two young men lounging around the table. He remembered when he was that age. A bit of a different time and a different situation. They did not have fields to get ready back then. Too much time spent staying out of harm's way. 

"Why aren't you helping the others set up the new fields over the ridge near the waterfall?" Sibo asked the pair.

Dilk looked up at the older man. "Gramps, what's the point? The work will be there tomorrow and the day after. Today is a great day to just relax, you know?" Dilk smiled and leaned back in his chair. Tuumo looked up from a picture book that showed a battle between men and machines and smiled. 

Sibo glared at the picture book and then smiled. "That's a shame. When I was your age there were actual battles fought over that ridge. I wonder what type of tech the others might find?"

Tuumo's eyes lit up and he jumped up from his chair. "Tech? Battles?", he said. "Race you there Dilk!", he said as he ran out the door.

Dilk shouted after him. "You idiot, you're going to believe that story?" He glared at Sibo and walked out the door after his friend.

Sibo's wife walked over to him. "Are you sure you should have told them that? What if they actually find something?"

"No worries," Sibo said. "It has been awhile but if memory serves all the battles from that war occurred on the other side of this continent. I'm sure it will be just a boring day digging in the fields for them!" SIbo laughed as he shook his head and walked into the cool interior of the house.



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Waterfall and cliff look really nice. Good use of the padlock plate to keep the droid head and arm in place :thumbup:

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