
Blood in the Grass: Day 3

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This is a Players Only thread! Post your game account only!:dhappy:




Players (6):

49975782551_f0977acc4c_s.jpg King Jehen (NPC)

49975265643_a85d2a5325_s.jpg Fazit - Baby Dragon

49975781801_0d05014a94_s.jpg Omrom - Baby Dragon

49976045292_46fd4f5654_s.jpg Ellis - Merchant

49976045192_77114e7e65_s.jpg Quinn - Stable Boy

49976045452_475635ca51_s.jpg Martin - Cobbler
49975266668_ea2d4bc00b_s.jpg Josie - Winemaker

Dead (1)

49975781406_1e94e402f1_s.jpg Ima - Baby Dragon

Missing (5)

49975783251_7cb0260dda_s.jpg Ruben - Watchman

49975266783_313c1faaca_s.jpg Nadia - Baker      

49976043892_d5302bbe51_s.jpg Covam - Baby Dragon

49975265363_0c317f0d8c_s.jpg Torgam - Baby Dragon

49976043542_22571244bd_s.jpg Lully - Baby Dragon



  1. Each player will be given a character to play. That character will be aligned with either the Alliance (town) or Raiders (scum). To win the game, the Alliance must vote or kill off all Raiders, while Raiders need to outnumber the Alliance . Any Third Parties have their own win conditions, which are outlined in their role PM.
  2. Each character was given a sort of “bare-bones” character description. Feel free to expand on your character, to roleplay and truly become them. Don't post out of character in the game. If you don't like the bio included in your PM, make up your own. 
  3. Each day the host will award a roleplaying (RP) prize to the player who has done the best at making the game fun during that day. The prize will not affect the balance of the game itself and is only for extra fun. The daily RP winner is solely at the host's discretion and no arguments will be tolerated.
  4. This is an anonymous game. That means that everyone who signed up has an account used ONLY to post in the game threads for this game. 
    • Do not post in a game thread with your normal Eurobricks account. 
    • Do not post elsewhere in Eurobricks with your game account.
    • Do not state who you are in any game thread or state who you are playing as in any other EB thread.
    • If you want to conceal your identity, try a new play style or just a new way of posting (talking).
  5. You may use the Eurobricks PM system for communication ONLY DURING NIGHT PHASE. Most of the discussion needs to be happening in the day threads to try and generate an inclusive community.
  6. Each day will be played out in its own topic. During the day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting must be done in the following format: Vote: Character. Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format: Unvote: Character. No other format will be accepted. Bold is required. A majority vote is required to lynch a player, meaning that over half of the remaining players must vote for the same player to warrant a lynch.
  7. You must vote in every day thread.
  8. A game day will last for 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. After the day has concluded, a night will commence, which will last a maximum of 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 hours of nighttime. 
  9. The alignment of lynched players will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.
  10. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the game host via PM. This includes the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.
  11. You may not quote/post anything sent to you by another player via PM. If you wish to use information gained in this way, you must do so in your own words only.
  12. Do not play the game outside the day threads. Similarly, do not post out-of-character inside the day threads. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.
  13. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players (living or dead). Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.
  14. There are no clues in the video, comics, photos or any character descriptions. Don't act like there are.
  15. Do not contact the host to complain about game layout or ask the host to change rules or make exceptions. All grievances can be discussed in the conclusion thread. 
  16. Don't edit your posts. Don't log into your staff account and edit any game posts. :wink:
  17. You must post in every day thread.
  18. Violation of the above rules will result in a 1-vote penalty against you. Violations are decided by the host and grievances can be brought up only in the conclusion thread.
  19. If at any time another player asks you to violate these rules (for example, asking you to give them your role PM), report this to the host immediately along with PM proof of the violation.

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It can't get much worse, can it? I'm losing my whole family and I don't even know if they were good or not, except poor Ima who really didn't do much to make herself look innocent.

But wait, that's only 2 night kills, which makes me think someone used theirs on Josie, who had a one shot night kill immunity, according to the wiki. Just further confirms that what it says is true and she is out to kill all of us. If not, maybe someone was blocked? It's something to consider, but that would require the blocker getting that info to us, and I doubt that's possible.

Nevertheless, we know what we have to do today, right? In 24 hours, I know where my vote will be going.

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Aw, nuts! This day thwead couldn't have gone up with wowse fwiggin' timing. ROAWR! Fwiggin' heww!

Josie kiwwed my bwothews Towgam and Covam. What do you have against dwagon babies, you muwdewing bitch? I towd you was night I wiked you but I wied. I don't wike you at aww. 

The waidews ow the vigiwante has kiwwed ouw sistew Wiwwy. Why? She wasn't even pwaying. At weast Wuwwy is stiww here. Wuwwy, what do you think we should do? Why do we wive in the Fwintstones house? Mommy doesn't even fit in thewe. How do we get you out of thewe, mommy? How did you even get in? Can I eat those chickens, pwease?

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I take responsibility for Ima's lynch, since I called out her self-vote and questioned it. WIFOM or something.

So should we just vote for Josie? I feel like a lot will be cleared up if we lynch her.

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17 minutes ago, Fazit said:

It's something to consider, but that would require the blocker getting that info to us, and I doubt that's possible.

Wowst case scenawio, it's 3:2:1 wight now. Josie should be wynched today, so it's possibwe to wose tonight. Accusations of fishing be damned, I encouwage ouw bwocker to cwaim. We need to know who was bwocked both nights. We need as much infowmation as we can get to suwvive the night. 

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Josie, have you killed any Raiders? You'll know the alignments of the two people you've killed. It would be extremely helpful to us.

Also, what is your exact win condition? Can you win with the town? Or do you have to kill everyone to win? 

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We'll see what Josie has to say for herself, but I agree that she should be lynched today.

The stables are going to be very quiet today without its usual cohort of baby dragons. :sad:

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*sip* *sip* *sip* 

Alright, lets clear things up. I am indeed the serial killer. I can win on either side. I also appear to have 5 sets of hands. I had as one shot kill immunity on the first night and a one shot role block on the first night. Then there's Covam. What can we say about Covam? Well we can say he was being chased by purple bunnies on bouncy hoppers but we can also say he was a raider. I was hoping with all my "what happens if a cannibal kills a cannibal" talk yesterday I could trip the scum up on what they were saying but alas that didn't happen.                                                                 Then we have Torgam. Torgam came to me last night and asked me what Omrom was going on about at the end if the day. The post sounded forced. Like he was trying to probe as much information as he could. So I though he was scum. But he was not he was town. I'm sorry for killing two of your brothers Omrom. I really I am but you shouldn't lynch me. I want to win with the town and I want them to win. Both my kills so far were based off the suspicion that they were scum. 

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6 hours ago, Josie said:

*sip* *sip* *sip* 

Alright, lets clear things up. I am indeed the serial killer. I can win on either side. I also appear to have 5 sets of hands. I had as one shot kill immunity on the first night and a one shot role block on the first night. Then there's Covam. What can we say about Covam? Well we can say he was being chased by purple bunnies on bouncy hoppers but we can also say he was a raider. I was hoping with all my "what happens if a cannibal kills a cannibal" talk yesterday I could trip the scum up on what they were saying but alas that didn't happen.                                                                 Then we have Torgam. Torgam came to me last night and asked me what Omrom was going on about at the end if the day. The post sounded forced. Like he was trying to probe as much information as he could. So I though he was scum. But he was not he was town. I'm sorry for killing two of your brothers Omrom. I really I am but you shouldn't lynch me. I want to win with the town and I want them to win. Both my kills so far were based off the suspicion that they were scum. 

Josie! Josie! Hey, Josie! Josie! Hey! Awe you wistening? JOSIE! Hey! Josie, it's weawwy weiwd that you are tewwing us that Covam was a waidew when you told me wast night that he was a townie. Which is it?

Awso, Roawwr! Ha, you awe so scawed of me now because of my fewocious woaw. Get used to it. You muwdewed my bwothews, I wiww woaw at you aww day! Be tewwified!

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Omrom! Omrom! Hey, Omrom! Omrom! Hey! OMROM! 

He was scum. I told you he was town in private because I was suspicious of you. I wanted to see what kind of reaction it would provoke. Only another scum would know his true allegiance. 

I'm not scared of you Omrom. I'll have all the wine I can and drown out your so called "woaw". Here's the thing. If you lynch me today the scum kill again tonight. (Either that or we have a trigger happy vig). That takes us down to four players. Keep me alive and I can help you catch scum to stop them winning. Now have some wine as a compensation for me killing your brothers. 

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1 hour ago, Josie said:

He was scum. I told you he was town in private because I was suspicious of you. I wanted to see what kind of reaction it would provoke. Only another scum would know his true allegiance. 

I'm not scared of you Omrom. I'll have all the wine I can and drown out your so called "woaw". Here's the thing. If you lynch me today the scum kill again tonight. (Either that or we have a trigger happy vig). That takes us down to four players. Keep me alive and I can help you catch scum to stop them winning. Now have some wine as a compensation for me killing your brothers. 

Woawr! ROAWWR! WROOOAWWWR! I don't bewieve that doesn't scawe you. Just wike I don't bewieve the west of the dwagon poopies you awe spewing wight now. You bettew be scawed. I ate a bunch of mawshmawwows and buwped and smoke came out. That means my bewwy embews awe fiwing and soon I wiww be abwe to woast youw tweacewous muwdewous body to a cwisp!

I spit in youw wine, so I wiww not pawtake in your howwible hawwucinogenic bwew. You say you wied to me about Covam's awignment to figuwe out if I was scum, but you didn't want to talk to Towgam because you thought he was scum? Why would you not twy to talk to him and figuwe it out wike you supposedwy did with me. And why should we wowwy about it going down to fouw if Covam was scum? I think you awe wowking with the scum to make us think thewe awe less than thewe awe. 

Evewyone, if Josie was not night-kiww immune was night, why would the scum not kiww hew and cowwect hew bodies and pwevent hew fwom kiwwing one of them. I think ouw vigiwante is gone and that's why thewe wewe onwy two kiwws wast night. I think it's impewative that ouw bwockew cwaim so we know who was bwocked wast night. We need infowmation to nawwow ouw wist of suspects down and we need to be tawking about who the waidews awe. Once Josie is gone, we awe in sewious dangew of aww being muwdewed. We need a pwan. Get invowved peopwe! We don't have much time!

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8 hours ago, Josie said:

I want to win with the town and I want them to win. Both my kills so far were based off the suspicion that they were scum. 

Sure you do. :sarcasm: Alas, that isn't what the wiki says about your win condition and you know what, between you and it, I'll trust it more. As for suspicion, shut your murdering mouth about my brothers, we'll learn their actual alignments when you're dead. You've already shown what a liar you are, to think you want us to believe you now. How stupid do you think we are?

2 hours ago, Omrom said:

Awso, Roawwr! Ha, you awe so scawed of me now because of my fewocious woaw. Get used to it. You muwdewed my bwothews, I wiww woaw at you aww day! Be tewwified!

You remind me of Torgam, he had a mighty roar. :dsad2:

1 hour ago, Josie said:

Here's the thing. If you lynch me today the scum kill again tonight. (Either that or we have a trigger happy vig). That takes us down to four players. Keep me alive and I can help you catch scum to stop them winning.

We don't actually know that there are any scum left. You want us to believe that Covam was scum, so that would only leave one unaccounted for (if you're not a liar, right?). They could easily be dead and we wouldn't know. What we do know is that we can't win with you alive, especially as you keep killing us. It must have broken your heart when the Donner Party format was revealed, since it came after your attempt to plant a future 'neutral' alibi.

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36 minutes ago, Omrom said:

Woawr! ROAWWR! WROOOAWWWR! I don't bewieve that doesn't scawe you. Just wike I don't bewieve the west of the dwagon poopies you awe spewing wight now. You bettew be scawed. I ate a bunch of mawshmawwows and buwped and smoke came out. That means my bewwy embews awe fiwing and soon I wiww be abwe to woast youw tweacewous muwdewous body to a cwisp!

*sip* *sip* *sip*

Oh do pipe down Omrom. If you roast by body to a crisp it will explode as it's full of alcohol. You can have a nice drunk meaty feast. I'm not scared because that's not going to happen. *sip* You should be scared because there's a giant giant, blue duck billed platypus about to attack you. It's going to eat you and your marshmallows so you better work on that roar and be scared. Don't you dare spit in my fine wine. My wine business makes you're roar look weak in comparison and it's not hallucinogenic in any way, now stop talking to Darth Vader and face me like a dragon!

46 minutes ago, Omrom said:

I think you awe wowking with the scum to make us think thewe awe less than thewe awe. 

Omrom you are painfully mistaken. I am the serial killer. I am not aligned with the scum or town. Why would I spell "neutral" out on Day 1 if I was aligned with the scum? But I want to help the town win. Who did that giant vote analysis yesterday? Oh yeah, me.

48 minutes ago, Fazit said:

Sure you do. :sarcasm: Alas, that isn't what the wiki says about your win condition and you know what, between you and it, I'll trust it more.

The wiki also says that the town can't no lynch. But we can no lynch as that's what happened on day one. So the host hasn't copied the rules completely and there are deviations. I know what the wiki says but it's false. I can win with either side.

51 minutes ago, Fazit said:

They could easily be dead and we wouldn't know. 

Actually we would know because the game would be over. The town would have won and I would've won with you. *sip*

54 minutes ago, Fazit said:

 What we do know is that we can't win with you alive, especially as you keep killing us. 

No! Don't you understand? You can win with me. I'm literally like a second Vig. I'm a huge asset to the town and you're throwing me away. 

Do not lynch me. I can and will help you win.

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Congratulations Omrom for winning the Day2 RP award. You got a golden dragon statue!

Note: There are no special abilities associated with the RP award prizes.


Voting is now Open!

You have 48 hours to select a player to lynch.

With 6 players left, a vote count of 4 is required for a lynch.

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15 minutes ago, Josie said:

Omrom you are painfully mistaken. I am the serial killer. I am not aligned with the scum or town. Why would I spell "neutral" out on Day 1 if I was aligned with the scum? But I want to help the town win. Who did that giant vote analysis yesterday? Oh yeah, me.

Vote: Josie

You mean the giant vote anawysis that you kept having to cowwect what you said because you got so many thing wwong because you don't weawwy cawe because you awe neutwal and you wewe just twying to appeaw hewpfuw? Because scum ow sewiaw kiwwews have never done vote anawysis befowe, so you must be the towniest sewiaw kiwwew evew! Except we know you can't win with us. @Fazit How do we demonstwate this without bweaking the wuwe I awweady bwoke and that's why I'ww have a penawty vote today? 

Josie, you say you spewwed it out fow evewyone that you wewe neautwal but youw fiwst question to me in ouw PM was something wike "How'd you find that?" Duh, I undewstand pwain Engwish, that's how. If you thought nobody wouwd find it, it doesn't make any sense that you awe tewwing us that you intended for aww of us to know.

You, Josie, bettew stop making wight of how fewocious and scawy I am! I am a giant, scawy woawing dwagon with giant cwaws and the most fiewcest— 

7 minutes ago, Darkdragon said:

Congratulations Omrom for winning the Day2 RP award. You got a golden dragon statue!

Oh my doodness! Evewyone, wook it, wook it, wook it, wook it! WOOK! I won a baby dwagon statue! Oh thank you, King Dawkdwagon! Hewwo, gowd dwagon statue. I wove you! I wiww name you Covimgamuwwy aftew my dead bwothews and sistews. Can I hug you and cuddwe with you? You wiww be my bestest fwiend! Can I teww you a secwet? I wove you so much! Wet's wwestwe! ROAWR! Ouch! OK, OK! You win, you win! I wove you Covimgamuwwy!

On 6/8/2020 at 8:22 PM, Martin said:

I think the vote on Ima was ridiculous, considering she clearly voted for herself as some sort of a joke, and for whatever reason people jumped onboard. In hindsight, I think the no-lynch yesterday was the right choice. We would've had four dead this morning.

Does this sound to anyone ewse that Mawtin knew Ima would fwip town?

23 hours ago, Ellis said:

I take responsibility for Ima's lynch, since I called out her self-vote and questioned it. WIFOM or something.

What??? How awe you wesponsibwe? What was WIFOM about what?

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46 minutes ago, Josie said:

No! Don't you understand? You can win with me. I'm literally like a second Vig. I'm a huge asset to the town and you're throwing me away. 

Do not lynch me. I can and will help you win.

I'm very tempted to agree with this, but we don't know for certain if you win with us and we also don't know if you have the town's best interests at heart. We also are receiving conflicting information from you about the potential raider that you may or may not have killed. I know it sucks, but I think the best thing is for you to die so we can see whether or not you've killed actually killed any scum, as your kill results will all come out once you're dead.

Vote: Josie

4 minutes ago, Omrom said:

Does this sound to anyone ewse that Mawtin knew Ima would fwip town?

I didn't know for certain that Ima would flip town, I just sort of figured that a scum wouldn't vote for themselves to trigger a bandwagon and then not vote, thereby getting a penalty vote for the next day.

Eieek! Omrom! Help! Another mouse! 

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Vote: Josie

I'm struggling to believe that you are genuine about wanting to work with town.  If you were, why did you not reveal to Omrom that Covam was a raider? You said you initially lied because you were suspicious of him (Omrom), but if he were a raider, he would know Covam was too.  Your story doesn't stack up.   

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21 minutes ago, Omrom said:

Except we know you can't win with us. @Fazit How do we demonstwate this without bweaking the wuwe I awweady bwoke and that's why I'ww have a penawty vote today?

People should be able to compare their own role pms to the wiki and see how it lines up, whatever side they're on. The differences in the wiki and the real game are too minor to invalidate the overwhelming matching information. I hope people will come to the logical conclusion. To be honest, I don't think that anyone is falling for her nonsense anyway, so there is no point risking the wrath of the hosting gods by trying to be too direct.

Speaking of the logical conclusion.

Vote: Josie

28 minutes ago, Omrom said:

Oh my doodness! Evewyone, wook it, wook it, wook it, wook it! WOOK! I won a baby dwagon statue! Oh thank you, King Dawkdwagon! Hewwo, gowd dwagon statue. I wove you! I wiww name you Covimgamuwwy aftew my dead bwothews and sistews. Can I hug you and cuddwe with you? You wiww be my bestest fwiend! Can I teww you a secwet? I wove you so much! Wet's wwestwe! ROAWR! Ouch! OK, OK! You win, you win! I wove you Covimgamuwwy!

Somehow that went from adorable to nauseating, but congratulations anyway. I might be a little jelly of the pretty gold statue. Maybe... :dblush:

31 minutes ago, Omrom said:

Does this sound to anyone ewse that Mawtin knew Ima would fwip town?

It sounded odd to me when he seemed to change from suspicious to dismissive about the whole Ima self-vote. Still does, but the latest explanation that scum wouldn't bring attention to themselves that way is at least reasonable and might back up the belief that Ima would flip town.

I don't feel like I've had good reads on anyone this game, though. There have been a lot of little things that haven't seemed right, but never developed into anything more.

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4 hours ago, Omrom said:

What??? How awe you wesponsibwe? What was WIFOM about what?

On day one, when she voted for herself. I was the first or second person to call her out on it.

Vote: Josie

We all know the reasons she's on the chopping block today.

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4 hours ago, Ellis said:

On day one, when she voted for herself. I was the first or second person to call her out on it.

Ewwis! Ewwis! Hey, Ewwis! EWWIS!!!

No, you wewen't. You wewe the seventh pewson, and it was 22 houws aftew she voted fow hewself. And you wewe the second pewson to vote fow hew. About 17 houws aftew she voted fow hewsewf, you wesponded to Wuwwy's vote fow you without even mentioning Ima's sewf-vote. So youw weccowection does not weflect weality. Hewe, I can even show you how it happened:

On 6/4/2020 at 5:13 PM, Ima said:

What are we waiting for? I want to see who squirms when we vote! 
Vote: Ima

On 6/5/2020 at 10:33 AM, Ellis said:

I mean, someone had to.

I'm not trying to or wanting to. I was just wondering why those specific people were listed.

On 6/5/2020 at 3:22 PM, Ellis said:

To be real, Ima voting for herself seems wrong. Like "Oh look at me, I vote for myself but no scum would ever do that!" It's WIFOM-y, unless I'm just totally off-base. Is she trying to lure us into a false sense of security?

Vote: Ima

Ima figure this out tomorrow if she's lynched, I guess. Or we all will figure it out. Ima go eat some food...

Covimgamuwwy says you'we weawwy scummy and I agwee! Now we awe going to hunt chickens.

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*sip* *sip* *sip* 

Congratulations Omrom! Welcome to the club! We should start a club of RP winners me and you. It can be you, me and Colin. Oh how I miss him :cry_sad:

23 hours ago, Martin said:

I'm very tempted to agree with this, but we don't know for certain if you win with us and we also don't know if you have the town's best interests at heart. We also are receiving conflicting information from you about the potential raider that you may or may not have killed. I know it sucks, but I think the best thing is for you to die so we can see whether or not you've killed actually killed any scum, as your kill results will all come out once you're dead.

But I can and will win with you. The scum must have had a field day when they saw Omrom find my neutral post. By voting me out you've let the scum slide through today and get an extra kill at night. Togram, as you'll find out tomorrow should you choose to lynch me, was the town blocker. The TOWN HAS NO DEFENCE TONIGHT and the scum kill will go through. You want that to happen? If you choose to save me we can work together and catch the scum. I urge you all to reconsider your vote for me. 

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2 minutes ago, Josie said:

But I can and will win with you. The scum must have had a field day when they saw Omrom find my neutral post. By voting me out you've let the scum slide through today and get an extra kill at night. Togram, as you'll find out tomorrow should you choose to lynch me, was the town blocker. The TOWN HAS NO DEFENCE TONIGHT and the scum kill will go through. You want that to happen? If you choose to save me we can work together and catch the scum. I urge you all to reconsider your vote for me. 

How would you know that Towgam was the town bwocker? When you kiww someone you weawn theiw awignment and theiw wole? I don't think so. That doesn't make any sense, Josie.

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@Josie Hey Josie! Josie! Hey! Hey! Josie! Hey, Josie! JOSIE!!!

I think I figuwed it out. You awe actuawwy scum. 

Covimgamuwwy says you pwobably put "NEUTWAW" in an acwostic because you wewe hoping to miswead us into thinking you wewe a sewiaw kiwwew, befowe you knew the whowe setup. I think you and youw scum buddy kiwwed Covam because he said "Do not go gently into that good night, Wage, wage against the dying of the wight." which spewws "DW" which is an abbweviation fow doctow. Covimgamuwwy says I'm vewy smawt fow thinking that but I think he's giving me too much cwedit. I think I'm ovew-thinking it. But, I think you awe the best lynch because you awe not wikewy the sewiaw kiwwew. If you wewe and could win wif the town you would've talked to Towgam befowe muwdewing him. Even if you wewe the sewiaw kiwwew, I don't bewieve you could win with us. Good widdance to bad wubbish, Josie. 

By the way, you awe not exhibiting chawactewistics of a dwunk, you awe exhibiting chawactewistics of a cwack addict ow someone who has suffewed sevewe cwaniaw twauma. Covimgamuwwy thought you wewe possessed by a demon. 

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1 hour ago, Josie said:

But I can and will win with you.

A plain neutral, like you tried to claim, maybe, but not a Serial Killer.

1 hour ago, Josie said:

If you choose to save me we can work together and catch the scum.

How? We pick a target and you promise to kill them and then kill another one of us instead? That sounds helpful. :hmpf:

Here's what we do know. If the scum are both dead and you could stall us long enough to kill the vig, you'd win, the only way you can, alone. If you aren't lying and Covam was scum, and the vig is already dead, killing the other scum would also let you win, alone. I'm sensing a pattern here, and it only works if we let you live. And by works, I mean works for you, since none of those options save the town.

1 hour ago, Omrom said:

By the way, you awe not exhibiting chawactewistics of a dwunk, you awe exhibiting chawactewistics of a cwack addict ow someone who has suffewed sevewe cwaniaw twauma. Covimgamuwwy thought you wewe possessed by a demon. 

Now now, no need for that. Why insult drunks, crack addicts, concussion sufferers or people who are possessed by demons? She's just a psycho and a liar.

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17 hours ago, Omrom said:

Ewwis! Ewwis! Hey, Ewwis! EWWIS!!!

No, you wewen't. You wewe the seventh pewson, and it was 22 houws aftew she voted fow hewself. And you wewe the second pewson to vote fow hew. About 17 houws aftew she voted fow hewsewf, you wesponded to Wuwwy's vote fow you without even mentioning Ima's sewf-vote. So youw weccowection does not weflect weality. Hewe, I can even show you how it happened:

Covimgamuwwy says you'we weawwy scummy and I agwee! Now we awe going to hunt chickens.

Thanks for the clarification. I mixed up when I voted and when I brought about my point of finding it scummy to vote for herself.

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