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[EV3/NXT] Controlling sequence of lights.

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I'm currently working on a MOC design that will use an EV3 or NXT control brick to run a sequence of actions, including motors, sensor and hopefully lights.

The sequence follows this flow :

  1. Spin motor
  2. Stop, pause for 1 second
  3. Activate 1 light (A) for 2 seconds whilst switching another light on (to remain on)
  4. Reverse direction of motor
  5. Loop steps 1-4 for 6 repeats
  6. Spin motor random amount + sense colored brick
  7. Stop motor
  8. Activate light A
  9. Wait 10 seconds
  10. Switch off all lights

There will be 7 pico LED lights in total, each one activated independently.

In terms of programming, I have the program for the motor actions and the sensor worked out. What I need to figure now is :

  • What EV3/NXT lights or compatible 3rd party options will best suit. supply a set of lights that look like they might work, but not sure if they'd be independently controlled or not.
  • Whether or not these lights could be controlled via programming/electronics, or if I'd need to design some kind of mechanical switching system that I can then program motors to control.

I'm in the prototyping phase of the design (building and testing various aspects) and so far everything's looking good for full build if I can solve these two problems.

Thanks in advance.

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