Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone
__________________________ "Troll in the Dungeon! Troll in the Dungeon!  Thought you ought to know" said professor Quirrel Panic Movement at Hogwarts! Every Hogwarts home takes refuge in their dormitory. 
However, Hermione is not aware of the news.
Harry and Ron try to find the girl because they made her cry.
Too late, the troll tries to attack Hermione in the girls' bathroom on the first floor.  __________________________ 2nd Moc of the year in Harry Potter theme I tried to create a dynamic in the scene with the characters.
Look Hermione, she is terrifyed and thought a her end. She is protecting herself as she can against the horrific Troll.
I put a face at Hermione which close their eyes, to express a feeling of imminent death. The expression of his body also betrays this resentment.
Harry and Ron are in the first year in Hogwarts and don't know how react. Harry has got his wizard wand in the aim of protecting Hermione. Ron is as petrifyed as Hermione and can't react.
_________________________ Feel free to react and put my creation in your favorites, if you liked.
  A troll in the toilett by Hugo, sur Flickr