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[MCTC: Salida Este] City Gate

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The flourishing "New Town" of Salida Este on Ferro Azure has become a frequented place. Merchants from far away
meet local tradesmen and the island's natives. A central place for the exchange of goods is the City Gate. The dome
towers can be seen from far away, shining bright in sunlight.

And while the City Wall would surely not be able to fend off siegeweapons, it is more than sufficient to keep those
lousy pirates or wild animals out of town.

At the small well locals meet to exchange the latest news. Mostly about trading opportunities, but also just random
rumours about the chieftains daughter or the harbourmaster's gout. The "Gate Guards", recognisable by their yellow
capes and the fancydecorative feathers, collect the entrance tolls. The capeless "Trade Sherrifs" with their simplistic
red plumelets, paid by MCTC, ensure safe and lawful trade in Salida Este. The natives often bring their harvest to
exchange it for other goods in town - and while their ox-drawn carts do not live up to modern standards, they do
what they are supposed to do. And being Eslandolans, it is no surprise to see the first merchants sell their acquired
goods right there at the gate.

Welcome to Salida Este, one of the most flourishing Eslandolan Towns in the New World.



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3946 posts

Cool build with lots of life and details. I like how you're continuing the Salide Este colourful pastel look with the blue well and light-yellow accents throughout. I can imagine the inhabitants referring to this gate as the 'onion gate' :grin:.

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2328 posts

Those balloon pieces work quite well for tower roofs!   I like the archway and the decorative arches along the wall as well.   I only wish you would have included a couple more vendors or at least more patrons of the market as it looks sparse to be a "trade center" overall though a enjoyable build! 

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1135 posts

I like the build (technique and colour pallete) apart for those tower roofs unfortunately - they are really discordant.  They'd be great in a desert/ turkish/moorish local however, but even then I think the tower would need to be wider as the overhang just looks to odd to me.  Having said that, I approve of taking "risks" like this and improvising new uses for parts.  So a "good job" all the same.

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4442 posts

This built is a high end one  : those colors and these towers are awesome !

But it seems a little bit offbeat for carribean ? Would be great for Molokei Empire...


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5466 posts

I really love the look of this build. Great use of those balloon pieces for the onion domes, and wonderful use of light yellow. I really wish I had more bricks in these pastel colors. Salida Este's "New Town" section definitely has a flair. :thumbup:

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7149 posts

Great build, Elos. I think it has just the right amount of life - the colonies are not big old world cities, but settlements established in the vast nothingness of Terra Nova, so they would not be too cramped. The pale yellow and white colourscheme is brilliant, and you once more have me considering a huge pale yellow bricklink order! :P

While I wonder where the architectural influence comes from, and how they have made their way to Salida Este, I really like the look. Details like the small insets in the wall, the well, and the small windows in the towers really stand out for me. My only wish is that you had included more full-size pictures! :)

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2186 posts

A busy market scene as it should be, the domes look good, and the palm tree on the left is a nice touch.

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10265 posts

Now this is a gate that's going to be recognizable even to the most architecturally unlettered native!  Great use of light yellow and white, and the onion domes work much better than I would have expected!

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