
[Ep. XVII] [Empire] [Week 20] Boar-Wolf Attack

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Movements: We want move left to Q9, than up to F9, go left to collect the bonus on F2 and use the remaining movements to go as close as possible to the Shield Generator.

"It really wasn't my fault. My squad was on long range recon and they told me to find some supper. I was out for hours before I happened upon this great, fat wild boar. Only it wasn't a boar. Just a piglet. And after we cooked it up and the squad had their fill, the sounder came around looking for revenge. 

There's only two of us now, but it doesn't look like it'll stay that way for long. Lucky for me the other guys didn't let me eat yet, so I've been a lot faster on my feet. 

Right now I'm not sure which is going to be worse - this mad momma pig or reporting back to the platoon. I guess we'll see. :("


Endor Boar-Wolf by Ryan McBryde, on Flickr

Edited by goatman461
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