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So yeah...i began to ask myself...could there be youkais in Ninjago? Im not talking about that ghost ninja. Im talking about the Youkai race. I mean what if we get to see Youkais in Ninjago? We aleady have the Onis and stuff.

Also, what youkai would you like to see in the world of Ninjago? (I wanna see how the pull off the Kitsune)

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Sure why not? If you try to incorporate some cool Japanese culture Yōkai certainly must be on top of your list...

Question is if TLC wants to come that close to "actual" cultures(since they clearly want to steer well clear of religion and "realistic" war and if they are afraid(and rightly so) making changes to that cultural aspect to fit the narrative of Ninjago and to keep it childfriendly might start commotion within the Japanese (and maybe global) fan communities.

To answer your second question any cool Obake or Bakemono (like your Kitsune(Foxlike) but also Tanuki(Raccoonlike) and the Bakeneko(Catlike) but also Tsukomigami(Spirited tools) and Mononoke(Spirits who I believe aren't necessarily Yōkai but anyway lol) would be nice ..and I think things like Kappa and Tengu are unmissable too since they are the most commonly known Yōkai outside of Asia.

All together though I think it will be up to us MOCers to try and include them since they are heavily religion based would be like having Lego Azrael Baal etc and I don't see that happening either but nice idea!

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