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[OL - FB] The 114-gun Ship-of-the-Line 'Royal Philip'

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Ahoy, ahoy, ahoy,

finally and proudly presenting the first first-rate ship-of-the-line about to roam the Brick Seas:


The 'Royal Philip'



As one of the heaviest and most formidable ships-of-the-line in His Majesty's Royal Navy, the Royal Philip is naturally suited to fill out the role of an admiral's flagship. And flagship she is! At the moment, she serves under admiral d'Ancios as lead-ship of the Perennes Squadron, the one unit of La Royale stationed closest to Oleon's border with Corrington. During her active service of now almost four years, in countless maneuvers and fleet exercises, the Royal Philip has proven herself a powerful and – even more importantly – very reliable warship, with excellent sailing capabilities. A true asset. Rumors circulating in the Royal Court have it that soon she might be transferred to the colonies in an effort to strengthen Oleon's influence in the waters of New Terra. Such a step, however, would have to be very carefully pondered, as it would mean to noticeably weaken the nation's defenses against her northern neighbor. But regardless of where she will see service in the future, with her dedicated, veteran crew and her seasoned captain, the Royal Philip will surely fulfill the role entrusted to her – to guard the realm, protect the nations interests, and to proudly fly Oleon's colors on the waves!




And some 10210-shaming:




First of all, some numbers:

  • 14200 parts
  • length at waterline is 120 studs, LOA 171 studs, beam 29
  • each broadside fires 57 guns.

Now, more importantly, no worries, y'all! Launching yet another ship-of-the-line is no act of aggression towards any of you. It's rather the result of some major confusion from my side. The upcoming Adventure-MCRA gave me the idea to send the Secretary of the Navy as ambassador to Mardier. But I got this idea only after le Monarque was posted and planned in for convoy duty, so I was in desperate need of an additional ship, and no lesser would be suited for such a mission.

The Royal Philip is an enhanced version of a ship I posted several years ago, and her base is still older than that of Monarque, which is why Monarque's hull is smoother. Still it's here that I first made the switch to using hinge bricks instead of curved slopes for the part of the hull between waterline and lower gun-deck. Didn't go all the way, though, back in the day.

But then, the better ship is always the next one.


I hope you enjoyed watching,

C&C welcome! :classic:


Vive le Roi!


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1823 posts

Wow man, I don't even want to think about how many times LDD crashed on you. Great build BTW, I could never figure out LDD myself, so I'm always impressed when someone builds a mega structure in it. What are you licensing this as? Class 10 seems a little small for this.

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1946 posts

Oh, that's a nice looking ship. It's great the way you can make such a massive vessel while including all the necessary details (I don't want to think about how long the rigging must have taken in LDD). I feel that the side galleries are lacking, but I suppose given how nice the rest of the ship is we can let you off with a mere dozen lashes or so.:pir_laugh2: Really nice job, and I do hope you try another one using your newer, smoother hull technique. 

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10263 posts

What a monster!  Fantastic ship KB, as always your sails are great and the prow on this one looks really good! :thumbup: 

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2990 posts

What a beautiful behemoth! The brick seas have a new master, and her name is Le Royal Philip! Great job on such a huge scale KB, I have no idea how you do it, but it is fantastic!

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900 posts

Truly a royal ship, elegant and beautiful! The bow, sails, rigging and all of it is just sweet to look at

If I ever win the lottery I'll send you an insane amount of bricks so you can decorate your house with a massive fleet :laugh:

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2186 posts

Most impressive seigneur KB. With this monster, you have settled the supremacy of Oleander navy in the New Terra.:thumbup:


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1604 posts

Incredible ship. Can't image how much work you have put into this. I have not yet looked at LDD but if I see the results (this masterpiece) I am eager to give it a try.


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2057 posts

Agreed! A standard I strive for when building my own LDD ships. I usually don't achieve it to it's fullest, but I give it a solid try!

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