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Smaller Steam Locomotive Boilers

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I was thinking of building a locomotive with a boiler that is 3 studs in diameter.  Part #30360 fits the bill nicely, but I cannot think of a part that will fill the middle gap.  Do you have any ideas on how to do that, or is there another part that is 3 studs in diameter that does the same job better?


Fig. 1 Part 30360 was produced by The Lego Group between 1999 and 2012.


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You seem to have posted the same topic twice, perhaps you could ask a mod to sort them out.

Most small boilers will have a large part of them not visible due to water tanks either side/on top of it, as they are used on smaller tank locomotives. My preferred method for building them is to use a central row of bricks with studs on both side, and connect to that a collection of plates and either curved-slope tiles or 85984 1x2 cheese wedge pieces. It can then be capped off with the 43898 3x3 dish piece. This also allows for easy addition of the aforementioned water tanks to either flank using SNOT building.

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You can plug the gap on 30360 by placing 2341 slope double 1x3 on the underside, and placing a combo of 28192 and 92946 on the top.  It will look a little angular, but it will work.

A couple of alternative techniques for cylinders: 

1) Use the 75937 2x2 plate with octagonal bars, and use plates with clips to build a cylinder.  It's more like 3.5 studs wide, but you can do a lot of good stuff with this technique.

2) Build a stack of 1x1 bricks with studs on 4 sides, and attach a load of 92946 along the length.  I did this with my Mercury Atlas rocket, it was sturdier than I thought. 

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