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I made a parts list to .ldr converter script

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i made a small sdlBasic converter, from parts list (like from ) to .ldr file

a list like:

3005 2 Red
3065 5 White
3002 4 Blue

would result into:

1 4 0 0 100 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3005
1 4 0 0 200 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3005
1 15 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3065
1 15 100 0 200 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3065
1 15 100 0 300 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3065
1 15 100 0 400 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3065
1 15 100 0 500 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3065
1 1 200 0 100 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3002
1 1 200 0 200 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3002
1 1 200 0 300 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3002
1 1 200 0 400 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3002


the code is: 

function lstinf$(a$,b$,c$)
  while adrb<=blngt
     if mid$ (a$,adra,1)=mid$ (b$,adrb,1) then:adrb+=1:end if
   end while
  while mid$(a$,adra,1)<>left$(c$,1)
   end while
 end function
open finp$ for input as #1:open fout$ for output as #2
while eof(1)=0
  file input #1,trln$
  trln$="> "+trln$+" 0 0 0 "
  q1$=lstinf$(trln$,"> "," ")
  q2$=lstinf$(trln$,">  "," ")
  q3$=lstinf$(trln$,">   "," ")
  if lcase$(q3$)="black" then:q3$="0":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="blue" then:q3$="1":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="green" then:q3$="2":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="red" then:q3$="4":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="grey" then:q3$="7":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="oldgray" then:q3$="7":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="lightgray" then:q3$="7":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="yellow" then:q3$="14":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="white" then:q3$="15":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="multi" then:q3$="15":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="transparent" then:q3$="47":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="clear" then:q3$="47":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="transclear" then:q3$="47":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="trgreen" then:q3$="35":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="transgreen" then:q3$="35":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="trred" then:q3$="36":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="transred" then:q3$="36":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="tryellow" then:q3$="46":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="transyellow" then:q3$="46":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="darkturquoise" then:q3$="3":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="darkpink" then:q3$="5":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="brown" then:q3$="6":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="darkgray" then:q3$="8":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="lightblue" then:q3$="9":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="brightgreen" then:q3$="10":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="lightturquoise" then:q3$="11":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="salmon" then:q3$="12":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="pink" then:q3$="13":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="maincolour" then:q3$="16":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="lightgreen" then:q3$="17":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="lightyellow" then:q3$="18":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="tan" then:q3$="19":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="lightviolet" then:q3$="20":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="purple" then:q3$="22":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="darkblueviolet" then:q3$="23":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="orange" then:q3$="25":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="brightlightyellow" then:q3$="226":end if
  if lcase$(q3$)="verylightgray" then:q3$="503":end if
  for l2=1 to v2
    stou$="1 "+q3$+" "+str$(vamt*dst)+" -24 "+str$((l2-1)*dst)+" 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 "+q1$
    print #2,stou$
close #1:close #2


Edited by nitrofurano
updated script

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