The Empire of Corrington
Nickname: The Scientific Kingdom
Colors: Red and Black
Quick Glance
Compared to the other nations, Corrington is a highly scientific empire characteristic for order, consensus and firm principles. The Corlander Navy is relatively large and the empire boasts extensive, but sparsely populated, colonial possessions. Historically, most wealth have been generated through shipping, although property investment has been helped along by the large wealth brought in by its traders. During the first era, the legendary Corlander convoys were incredibly successful, and its escorts scoured the waters for any privateer daring to cross their paths.
Corlanders typically make their carreer as scientists or inventors, naval or army officers, or civil servants, although several significant Corlanders have made their fortune in trade. All vocations are welcome, although staying on the right side of the law (and our beloved Queen's orders) makes for the most harmony amongst our ranks. As a Corlander, there are many ways to advance in Society! (See "The Government of Corrington" below")
Signing up
All Corlander citizens are welcomed to join Corrington's colonial efforts. To join, sign up in this thread with an introduction post that shows your sigfig. We encourage you to present your sig fig with a back story, but a few sentences are sufficient.
(Check out this quick start guide)
The Government of Corrington
Three generations ago the monarchy instituted a new reform – representative government. Although the Queen is popular, she does not rule over the kingdom with absolute power. She shares it with the House of Representatives, the Noble Parliament, and the Parliament of Science. To ensure the safety of the Monarchy, the fourth branch of government, the Queen's Executive House commands the Royal Guard. Corlanders can pursue careers in all four branches of government, although it requires unquestionable loyalty and ability to reach the highest position of power. During the first era of colonial ventures, most positions have been filled by the old world elite (NPC's), but with the growing importance of the colonial possessions, this is like to change.
Noble Parliament
The Noble Parliament consists of the nobility of Corrington and is led by the Prime Minister. It directly commands the Royal Navy and the Royal Armed Forces, and controls all diplomatic relations, as well as upholds the law.
House of Representatives
The House of Representatives ensures broad representation in government, as all tax paying citizens are eligible for election. It controls the finances, taxes, industry, and commerce of the nation, as well as the colonial posessions.
Parliament of Science
The Parliament of Science consists of the most prominent scientists of Corrington and acts as an advisory institution for the Queen and the other branches of government.
Queen's Executive House
The Queen's Executive House ensures the safety of the Monarchy, and thus commands the Royal Guards. Further, the constabulary, Belson's famous patrolling policeforce, is under direct control of the Queen.
(For more on the four branches of Government and how to advance, follow the links. All Corlanders are invited to pursue a career in government, either for their sig fig or another character. It will take both efforts and loyalty to advance, and progressively more so the higher the position, and positions may hold actual in game responsibility, but most active players will be able to advance to lower positions quite easily. If you are interested but in doubt how to advance, ask in this thread.)
Queen Annetta (NPC)
Queen Annetta
Queen Annetta - Every Corlander would die for Queen Annetta, the heart of the empire. Because she has yet to find an equal mate, the Queen is the most popular person in the realm by far – suitors come from around the world to attempt to woo her. At 25, she is rich from the taxation on trade throughout the empire, and she is loved enough to have her own personal army – The Queen’s Guard. This unit is considered to be the crack troops of the empire, and all important campaigns include at least a company of these soldiers. Rumours in era I had her pregnant with someone's love child, but no baby was ever seen, and every loyal Corlander will tell you that it is nothing but vile slander by the enemies of the Crown.
Admiral Woodbrose (SkaForHire, Co-Leader)
As minister of the Colonies, he oversees the administrative aspects of expansion. A hard-nosed old sea buzzard who looks to please his niece (the Queen) by expanding trading policies in the New World. Although he sometimes wishes he was still a naval commander, he often turns to diplomacy to avoid major conflict. This is not to say that he doesn’t crush a rebellion or two, every once in a while. Technically, the Minister of the Colonies is the overseer of the Conquered Isles as well. However, the administrative duties as minister of the colonies have kept the good admiral from partaking as actively in the colonial ventures as he had hoped.
Rear-Admiral Fletcher (Bregir, Co-Leader), Commander of the Terra Novan Fleet
Commanding the Terra Novan Fleet, Rear-admiral Fletcher has had the responsibility for keeping the colonial possessions safe in close cooperation with the army ressources stationed there. He has functioned as chief military commander for all Corlander assets in Terra Nova during most of the first era, but now has a counterpart in Colonel Howe to take over command of all army assets. Under his, and his predecessors, rule, the Terra Novan fleet has been massively successful in keeping Corlander merchant shipping safe, taking prize after prize filling up the dockyards of Terra Nova. Middle-aged and unremarkable, Fletcher is an effective but discreet commander.
Brigadier Howe (Ayrlego, Co-Leader), Commander of the Colonial Army Headquarters
Brigadier Sir Andrew Howe and Captain Bertram Rickard Wolf inspect troops in Arlinsport.
Commanding the Corlander Colonial Army, Brigadier Sir Andrew Howe is responsible for the land component of Corlander defences in Terra Nova and works in close cooperation with his Naval superior, Rear Admiral Fletcher. Brigadier Howe has over 30 years service in the Corlander Army, most with the elite Queen's Own Foot Guard Regiment, whose uniform he still wears. As a Colonel he gained a reputation as the Queen's hatchet man in the Terra Nova, executing important missions directly on behalf of Her Majesties Government. Notably he commanded the first Corlander expedition to Isla de Victoria at the time of the Eslandolan Operation KMA. A master strategist and excellent tactician, Howe is known as a somewhat distant and stern commander who nevertheless inspires great confidence in the men under his command.
Assisting Brigadier Sir Andrew Howe is Aide de Camp Captain Bertram Rickard Wolf.
Captain Wolf is a descendant of the Wolf Clan, one of the Clans of northern Corrington. Previously he served in the Queen´s Rifles Regiment, a unit known for its unorthodox tactics. With his Rifles platoon he became the hero of the Battle of Golden Bay on Serentia, which secured Serentia for the Crown. His accomplishnents were noted by the High Command and he was chosen to serve as Brigadier Howe´s aide.
Corrington has two administrative sections.
The Mainland
The mainland is mostly rolling hills with a small mountain chain running down the middle of the country. It is the northernmost country in Eastern Halos, and the winters in the North are often unbearable to many outsiders. Most of the freeholders grow potatoes, wheat, or cabbage, and raise livestock. Cows and pigs are plentiful, and the countryside is dotted with many small hamlets. However, the cities are bustling places that never sleep. The cities are well planned, kept clean, and order is maintained at all times. The largest city, and capital of the empire is Belson. Belson is home to one of the world’s foremost universities: Archeon College, the premier navigation school of the known world. Many other science fraternities and explorers clubs call the capital home. The public buildings within Bellson are immense in size, and command respect from even the greatest architect. Careful study of city planning, public function, and defense is second nature to a Corlander bureaucrat, noble, or adventurer.
The Colonies
The Colonies Administrative division oversees both The Conquered Isles, Tiberia, and any future colonies.
The Conquered Isles
The Conquered Isles were once four different countries, three of which were island nations; Belondia, Peppin, Myrph, and the Isle of Tam. However, all of these countries sided with Oleon in a series of conflicts over the last 200 years. The final territory was gained in the 49 Years War, the last major uprising and war with Oleon. Upon defeating Oleon, the last of the isles were taken to safeguard navigation routes into the Great Northern Ocean. Although now integrated into the culture of Corriginton, the Isles were once a rebellious people, and the source of many civil wars. Still separatists attempt to raise trouble so far away from the capital.
Nova Terra
A typical townhouse of Arlinsport - by @Mike S
Corrington’s first colony in the Sea of Storms is Tiberia. Its provincial capital is Arlinsport, named after Queen Annetta’s father, King Arlin II. Arlinsport is known for its robust defenses and deep harbor, but it is the only such port on all of Tiberia. The city is the most developed colony of the nation, characterised by pretty townhouses placed in perfect order.
The majority of the island is still not tamed by Corlanders, but the island is already home to a makeshift rum industry, thanks to sugar smuggling from LeBellan to the south. The national drink of Corrington has become rum quite quickly. Some traces of gold have been found on Tiberia, but not enough to be a fully functional mining economy. Because it is one of the only Sea of Storms islands that lie outside of the warm temperate zone, it cannot grow cash crops. This means that Arlinsport is mostly a trading post between the old world of Halos and the richer, foreign and colonial ports to the south and east. Arlinsport resembles a typical, orderly Corlander city.
Corlanders tend to build in British or Scandinavian styles. They are diversified in their interests, but science and order governs all work. As such, Corlander cities are orderly and relatively clean. Many science fraternities are interested in what the New World has to offer, so new expeditions with a scientific premise are leaving for Terraversa, and Terra Nova, often. Corlanders have generally taken an anthropological interest towards natives, which has resulted in amiable relations to the new people encountered.
History and Culture:
Brief: Life is dominated by the concept of order. Science is valued, and has led to the best sea charts (also secret) in the world. The Queen is the most important person - she has a private army. There are four branches of government, and Corrington has claimed the largest landmasses during era I.
Detailed: The Corlanders are a people who pride themselves on civilization and class above anything else. They look to further their lot in life through trade, and believe that order is more important than might, although they are not shy about utilizing might to establish order. The Royal Army wears red, but auxiliary units and private armies of this nation have been known to wear all sorts of different uniforms. Their building style tends to be mostly British and Scandinavian, and the capital is considered one of the most orderly and planned cities in the world (in fact they tore down the original capital 300 years ago to install a new grid system that the city followed.)
Department of Time in King's Harbour by @Captain Dee
Corlanders like to stick to a schedule, and this translates to their lives both on sea and land. As excellent navigators, they have charted and timed most of the sea routes, calculating averages for every point of the year. Corrington’s merchant marine is one of the best organized in the world, and it is said that their secret charts keep them always “on time” when trading. Beyond charts, Corlanders believe that science will help them establish further order, so there are many universities and “science fraternities” throughout Corrington.
Corrington holds the largest colonial territories, but they are sparsely populated. Many islands are home to nothing but a small trading post, and some are as of yet unsettled. All colonial territories were claimed during the first era of colonial expansion, so they are still in their infancy. The most developed region is the Southern Isles, home to a thriving industry and culture. The Northern Reaches is mainly known for its horses, although the island of Serentia may hold many unsolved mysteries. In the far east, the Paradise Isles are of great scientific interest harbouring some of the most fascinating flora and fauna of the Brick Seas, as well as the remnants of an ancient civilisation.
Corrington and Oleon have constantly fought wars since their founding in 106AE. Some were as long as a century, others were a few months. The constant warfare has militarized both societies. The last major war was the 49 Years War. Ending in 590AE, that war was won by Corrington. (Although it lost to Oleon in the 8 month Juniper War just seven years ago). The 49 Years War secured the Isle of Tam, the last of the rebellious Conquered Isles, but cost the kingdom much of its treasure. For this reason, the people of Corrington have been taxed heavily over the last 25 years. Finally, as a present to her people on her 25th birthday, Queen Annetta has lowered the tax rate back to the traditional level. For some time now, however, Oleon and Corrington has been neutral.
Corrington in the first era
In Era I, Corrington quickly mastered the seas and perfected her methods of managing trade routes. The legendary convoys brought in exceptional profits to all who cooperated, and swiftly dealt with all who threatened its success, sweeping national and independent privateers and pirates from before them. With minimal losses, her convoys and escorts captured pirate ships at such an extraordinary rate that the shipyards are still working to repair all the ships. As a result, there are so many ships in drydock that the queen offers those who helps the Crown build ships full rights to the first prize captured.
The explorers of the empire fanned out across the newly discovered areas in search of land and scientific discoveries. They traveled more extensively than all the other empires, and added massive numbers of new islands to the empire. Corrington claimed more islands than any other nation in both the Sea of Thieves and the Prio Seas.
The government of Corrington was stable throughout the first era which is more than can be said of all the other nations in the region. There were periods of slowness in government decisions being made, but that is rumoured to be due to the fact that the empire was expanding faster than the information could be kept current. The expansion also prevented the scientists and cartographers from keeping up with the new discoveries which left some confusion for new settlers attempting to join the new colonies to the east. This slowed down the growth of the towns, which proved detrimental as shipping slowed down in the second half of Era I. However, due to the great profits of the first half of the Era, Corrington's citizens invested deeply in properties and business ventures in other nations and the slowed income from the lacklustre shipping acitivity was not detrimental to the citizens who stayed active in colonial ventures.
In short, Corrington outpaced all her neighbors on the seas and in discoveries. Her shipyards are still humming away furthering her power on the seas, and it will take another era before any nation can rival the landmasses acquired by Corrington in the first era.
Operation Pax Corlandia
At the end of the first era, Eslandola declared war on Mardier and ousted them from Isla de Medio. This left uncertainty amongst inhabitants of the formerly Mardierien settlements, particularly in Matlo in the north, where fear of Eslandian prosecution and criminal plunder was widespread. To protect the rights of these citizens, Corrington magnanimously launched Operation Pax Corlandia. This lead to a diplomatic incident with Eslandola, who proved to be dead-set on securing the whole island in an aggressive expansion of their empire. The tension rose to new limits, and at one point, was was threatening. After tough negotiations, Corrington agreed to evacuate the city and its inhabitants to safeguard their rights on Corlander territory. This evacuation is currently in progress, marking a change in relations with Eslandola...
For more on Corrington’s history, and that of its rivals, please see the History and Background thread.
By Garmadon