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[SoNE Episode XIV] Clak'dor - What We Leave Behind

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Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka Episode XIV: What We Leave Behind


As the years of this destructive conflict drag on seemingly without end the further I feel from the soft sands of home. With each life I take, I step further from the purple skies of my world. For a long time I had Dann, the only family left to care for, but the Empire has even stripped that last vestige of my former life away. All that I have left is the Alliance and a string of half remembered landscapes of vistas I will never again see.

4 ABY: Saber Fleet - Location Classified



“Three eyeballs and a squint. That last one was tricky but once we made the pass over the city that squint pilot must’ve known he was toast”


“I don’t know how you can joke, intelligence made a big damn mistake. Enemy squadron support was supposed to be nonexistent. I counted twenty-four eyeballs. It’s a miracle we’re alive”


“We won Javin didn’t we? Look the Imps want to send their cannon fodder then I say let them do it. More for the meat grinder.”


“It feels like we just went through a meat grinder. Shadow, Spectre, and Orange Squadrons wiped out…”


“Nothing like Scarif son. Nothing like Scarif.”



“Sir? Sir?! You’re Forresto right?”


“As far as I am aware.”


“You’re a Deshi Kekra”


“Yes I am one from the homeworld. I take it you weren’t born on Clak’dor lieutenant…?” 


“Jolie sir. No sir. I was born on a refugee ship near Triton although my family was always on the move, especially after Tarkin annexed Mayagil Sector as part of the Seswenna. Sir? I was wondering could you tell me, what was home like? My family kept the traditions alive of course, or as best you can on a rust bucket flotilla but they never talked about the planet, guess it’s too painful. I would be honored to hear your wisdom Deshi Kekra Forresto. What happened that was so terrible?”


“No son, I’d be honored. There’s far too many of you now out there who have never seen home, and until this war is over, there will be plenty more of you.”


"I was raised in Iwkewe Village, a community of five thousand just outside the capital city. You see millennia ago after our people had passed through a long industrial age, the various states of our world agreed measures had to be take to help preserve the natural beauty and balance of Clak'dor's ecosystem. As a result most live in a massive domed metropolises. However in order to preserve tradition and our ancient cultures, for we are amongst the oldest races to develop civilization in the galaxy, millions of small villages were allowed to persist on the outskirts.

   My parents were important members of the community. My father ran our village's garage and my mother was a doctor. We lived well for a time. The food was delicious, the air clean, and the future looked bright. Until the Clone Wars...My parents were killed during the Republic Invasion when the debris from starship crashed into the village destroying the section of town they lived in. Fourteen others were also lost but compared to other parts of our world we fared far better. Our people are communal so despite the loss, and the pain I still feel from their absence, the village aided us. Helped us survive. In those days just before the end of the Clone Wars I found solace in the company of my brother Dann and my closest, oldest friend Cheekra. Almost every day after work we would all go to a creek that cut through the rainforest not far from town. That's where I was the day things changed, nearly twenty years ago."

12 BBY: Clak'dor - Iwe Province



"Cheechra, nothing's biting and my belly's gnawing my insides. Lets signal defeat and return home."





"Cheechra, why are all the birds flying away?"


"Shhh! Do you hear that? Somethings coming?"



"Oh just a Wheinjurap?"


"What is it do-?"

"Little did we know...if only..."







"Lieutenant Orelos! We managed to terminate one of the indigenous beings however the other managed to escape into the brush."


"No bother, that thing will simply spread news of Imperial might to the others crawling neath rocks. Report on the progress of my regiment."


"The three villages in the surrounding area have been eradicated with few reports of natives escaping the cordons."  


"Yet some always seem to. Very well, move your men out sergeant we still have several more villages to attend to." 


"I ran so fast through the bombouri trees back home. The Imperials had not reached my village. I praised all the divines and raised the alarm. Most were able to escape in time but even as Dann and I left, we could hear screams and blaster fire far behind us.



"We traveled through ancient tunnels connecting the capital city to the surrounding rainforest, something the Imperials never knew existed and most likely still don't. Once the city bombardments died down we somehow...somehow found transport off planet and through the blockade. I realize now the Empire let survivors escape to relate to others what happens to those who dare to speak against the Emperor. From there Dann and I and others jumped from ship to ship usually with other refugees."


"But in these dark times, it seems the number of the displaced increases without end from a seemingly endless pool of worlds most I had never heard of."


"The ships became cramped and so Dann and I decided to make planetfall. We bounced around, eventually finding shelter on Fondor a time before the purges took effect and we...and I had to evacuate. Dann never made it off, thanks to our Imperial overlords he has permanent residence." 



"That's about the gist of it. Just about everywhere on the planet specialized battalions of Imperial troops called Stormtroopers, new to us in those days, sought and wiped out most population centers or scattered the populace into the rainforests to fend off the hostile wildlife. "


"Why would anyone do such a thing? Kill civilians and non combatants?"



"In recognition of your efficiency in eliminating enemy insurgents and your prowess in leading troops without hesitation deep in hostile terrain, you, Vara Orelos are promoted to the rank of captain with full honors."


"We are all looking for a place in this universe Jolie. Some find a sense of place in the power they hold over others and will perform dark deeds to attain such power. Others in a piece of land or a structure. I've found the connections we make with others to be far more important then anything else that is why our people will endure, why this Alliance will be victorious in the end." 


"There is a saying on Clak'dor, the lines perhaps are drawn in the sand but when the tide washes in we must remember nothing but Clakdor (the land) is forever. All Empires fall Jolie." 


Behind the Scenes:








Episode List:

Edited by Forresto

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1 hour ago, VaderFan2187 said:

Nice story, a little sad :')

And its finished and it doesnt get much happier :laugh:

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Outstanding! I like all of your entries, anyway, but this one might be your best, I think. I like the plot and the dialogue a lot, they are superb; and the building is as strong as always. Really, really well done. Also, your photography is once again spot on. You transport so much story with your pictures, it's amazing. You know my approach, I do it comic-style and pretty much need a picture for everything. You on the other hand tell your story way more efficiently with much less images, and it's no less great to read. I really enjoyed it, thank you!

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Great build, you did a wonderful job making it in such a way you could photograph it in different segments and re-use parts. Sad story, but seems like a gross misrepresentation of the Empire's efforts to bring culture and civilization to your world. :tongue::laugh: The story meshed really well with all the images and I loved the vibrant colors used.

Edited by Kodan Black

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Excellent stories and pics! Really love that last one, the lake and sky look great together, I'd miss that planet too :D

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