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I haven't seen any Darth Vader castle projects as yet! Let me know what you think of my micro castle?

Darth Vader's Castle from Rogue One in micro size. Its a simple and compact play-set with your very own "Bacta Tank", who doesn’t want their own Bacta Tank to detox in! It has a technic lever to dip Lord Vader in and out. 

This set could be a great idea in gaining director Krennic, Darth Vader's servant and of course a Bacta Tank Darth Vader mini-fig(s). 

Its a small piece count so would be very affordable....


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Nice MOC!  I really like it, and we could always use more Rogue One sets!  :thumbup:  Why did you choose to use short legs for Vader?  Is that supposed to represent the fact that his legs were amputated in Episode III?
The Bacta Tank is really well engineered!  It kind of reminds me of the Carbon Freezing Chamber.
My only suggestion would be that I think the Bacta Tank chamber works fine on its own, and the spires of the tower, the lavafall,. etc. aren't really necessary for the MOC; they might work better as a separate, mini-scale MOC.  But that's just my opinion.  :)

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Its a one size fits all ! I wanted to emulate the castle design and have the bacta tank in one design,which i think gives it a fun element. Also you can dip Vader in and out (my kids love that bit!). 

You could make a more serious version to replicate the room in Rogue One..but this is a fun one...

It would be cool if Lego make a Bacta Tank Vader....hence the short legs....

Thanks for your feedback...

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