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Velika, Master of Time

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I came up with the idea for this character while brainstorming Ideas for continuing bionicles story. Velika in G1 was a great being that chose to stay in the matoran universe to keep an eye on things in the guise of a humble matoran. He was rather sinister it turns out, and I liked the idea of a morally ambiguous character training Makuta and ekimu.


based on the mask maker/protector build, but taller with longer limbs. Uses a shapeways mask in addition to the original mask of time.


Velika gave Makuta the mask of control to curb his ambition, and Ekimu the mask of creation to boost his creativity. Thus, the masks weren't bestowed to his favorites, but to compensate for his students flaws.


The figure is pretty well balanced despite the odd proportions.


That hammer turned out beautifully, took longer to design than anything else. The right shoulder is geared.


Facing off against his one-time student. There's a 3dprinted mask adaptor on his back to allow the old vahi to be used by the other characters. I will be changing the eye color to light trans-blue as well, waiting on the eyepiece and head.

Thanks for looking! Hes a fairly simple moc, but it has a lot of personality. The shapeways mask makes a big difference too, gives him a really unique head. You can find it here;


Edited by Antak

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4 hours ago, xboxtravis7992 said:

 I'd like to see how you connected the old Bionicle head to a frame as small as a Protector 's body. 


I used the tiny double socket piece, the ball with the axle hole all the way through, and these 2 pieces;, Axle 3 with Stop&category=[Technic, Axle]#T=C, Axle and Pin Connector Hub with 1 Axle&category=[Technic, Connector]#T=C


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