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[M - F03] Breakout, Pt. II: Standoff and Hostages

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Location: F03 (Forring)
Tags: Military Building

An epic sword fight had ensued in the corridors of the M.S.S. Strata. At least three prisoners had escaped: two slavers posing as Zoids, and a Kawa who Jex was hoping could help her find a missing person. The Kawa had some kind of history with the slavers and had already killed one in his attempted escape, and her prolonged battle with the other had led them away from the prison sector to the ship bay.


Jex and the prison guard had raced to keep up, the guard radioing in for support as they ran.


As they came around the corner to the bay--the dueling prisoners, followed by Jex with the guard--there was a sudden eruption of sirens and the sounds of clanging metal, and a voice called out, "FREEZE! Drop your weapons!"


Turning and seeing the MANTIS squad already assembled, weapons primed, the duelers immediately came to a halt, and the slaver dropped his sword. The Kawa saw the opportunity and in a flash, brought her blade around at the slaver. He moved to dodge, but the blow caught him across the shoulder. Blood spattered, and he called out in pain.



29968813332_450c853ca0_s.jpg "DROP IT I SAID!" called the MANTIS commander, and the MANTIS soldiers rounded on the Kawa. The slaver slumped away, clutching his shoulder, but all the soldiers' eyes were on the Kawa. Sensing the soldiers' hesitation, she swirled around, grabbing Jex by the arm and sliding her blade against her throat.


29455242304_670e9ba0cb_s.jpg To Jex she intoned, "look, despite the way this looks I actually don't want to hurt you, so don't make me. No sudden moves, got it?"

Jex nodded as best she could against the blade.

29455242304_670e9ba0cb_s.jpg "Listen up! I don't want any trouble and I mean MANTIS no harm, but if you charge me or get in my way from avenging myself against that slaver, I will show no mercy and your girl here gets it!"


29968813332_450c853ca0_s.jpg "Keep your weapons trained on her, But wait on my word!" the commander called to her troops.

29455242304_670e9ba0cb_s.jpg "I'm warning you!"

29788276100_b9401eb918_c.jpgAG week 62 by rodiziorobs, on Flickr

29968813332_450c853ca0_s.jpg "What is the value of your hostage? A mere pilot in the balance of us catching a deadly prisoner?"

The standoff was momentarily interrupted by the sound of a ship taking off; the slaver, unchallenged, had escaped.


29455242304_670e9ba0cb_s.jpg "Deadly prisoner is the one you just let get away!" The Kawa spat. "This is your last chance!"


The commander was about to give the order when another voice sounded over the bay. "Lower your weapons, this is general Teague!"

Obediently, the soldiers backed away.

The general approached the commander and in a low voice said,

30083055665_d6c1be9ede_s.jpg "Seliman, I admire your tenacity, and under normal circumstances your decision would have been correct. However, this pilot is Jessica DuBois, she is the one who survived the space/time anomaly on Jurin II. She is valuable to us, and we must tread lightly here."

29968813332_450c853ca0_s.jpg "You want to negotiate with a prisoner, sir?!" Commander Seliman retorted incredulously.

30083055665_d6c1be9ede_s.jpg "We are still trying to learn what happened, and she is our biggest clue. We cannot afford to lose her. And it seems..." the general nodded toward the bay, "that you already let one prisoner slip through your fingers. We'll have words on that later. Understood?"

29968813332_450c853ca0_s.jpg "Understood, sir," came the reply.

The Kawa had not heard the discussion, but she could tell that the hostage she held was more than she seemed, if a general had come down to intervene--suddenly there was an ace in her hand. If she acted quickly, there might still be time to catch up with the slaver before he got too far.

29455242304_670e9ba0cb_s.jpg She whispered to Jex, "you said earlier that you could help release me. Maybe this isn't what you had in mind, but it's time for you to make good on that promise..."

Edited by rodiziorobs
Bad link, bad formatting (blame the upgrade :tongue:), wrong tag

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Impressive vignette. Love the MANTIS logo and the little red fire extinguisher on the corner. Floor grill pattern and greebles all work well too.

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Amazing, your build looks good. I like the detail that was put into this from the tile number on the floor to all the gadgets that are on the walls. Very interesting work.

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