
[M - F03] Return to B Sector

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Location: F03 (Forring)

Tags: Military Building (prison)

As Jex was guided down to B Sector of the MSS Strata, she wondered what the claim ticket could be for? The claims agent said it wasn't what she expected. She couldn't puzzle this one out.

Looking around, she guessed that B must be on the other side of the prison compound--she recognized the slavers Agent Blond had caught that she had read about. One of them tried to reach through the energy barrier and got himself shocked, while the other made rude gestures.



Why would they build the ship so you had to go through the prison? It just didn't make sense.


"Here we are," said the guard. "B Sector, cell 68. Ms. DuBois, meet prisoner #C04-k2."




I'll try to add links in to refer back to other stories, since this post ties together a lot of loose threads.

More photos below, C&C welcome!





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Ah, everythings sounds good in this case. Just one moment I startled myself :wink:

Never mind I was probably wrong, my eyes are no longer that they were when I was young...

/clean his glasses goggles.... skwiiiink skwiiink

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The judges awarded you 4 points.

Thanks judges!

There's at least one hand missing :sceptic: ... does MANTIS torture the prisoners ?

No missing hand, here, just my amateurish customizing skills. That and it's hard to make a single finger when 'figs have no fingers (well, except for Hagrid and other bigfigs). :wink:

Edited by rodiziorobs

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