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[MOC] Custom 90's Shell Station and Convenience Store

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This is my custom Shell Gas Station! I based this mostly on Lego shell stations from the 80's and early 90's, also i took some ideas from Jangbricks along the way as well.


Another shot of it from a different angle.


I made the tops smooth for easy access to the interior of the station.


The inside of the station is fully furnished, including a news stand, slushee machine, front counter, and postcard rack.


Apparently there is a solicitor in there, trying to get ads put up for his seminars on peace and the ecosystem. I think maybe he should look someplace else other than a shell station, just my opinion though.


Where it sits on my shelf!

Overall this project was a blast, and a great learning experience with photography. Any suggestions on photography would be great, and constructive criticism is definitely wanted!

Are the images too big?

Edited by CaptainJackBrickster

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cool! looks verry oldschool but yet new

Edited by SollX

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Yeah, i fixed them using imgur instead of using photobucket. And the blue and white car is my own creation, I based it off the old corvette stingrays, but reamagined as a modern car.

Edited by CaptainJackBrickster

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