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[MOC] An Apartment fire downstown

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A fire has broken out downtown. In the garage, under the apartment a fire started in a car. In no-time the entire garage on fire. The resident of the apartment was in the room above the garage. When he heard a noise in his garage. To his surprise, there was a fire. But it was to late, he was closed in. There wasn't a way out. He called the fire department. When the Fire department was at the scene, 2 firefighters went inside to rescue the trapped man. 2 other firefighters were extinguishing the garage fire. The fire could spread to the BrickBank and 2 other building. More crews arrived at the scene, they were used to prevent the fires from spreading to the other buildings. The man was saved by the fire department. The ambulance taked care or him. The fire department prevented the fires from spreading.

*Note: Maby some things in the text are not corrrect, English is not my main language


The garage fire with the apartment above.


The ambulance take care of the man.


The first engine on the scene.



Firefighers getting in a building near the fire to check if it is spread.


The brick bank has been evacuated.

I hope you liked this MOC!

Edited by Firefighterlucas

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