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On 1/2/2021 at 12:23 PM, Calanon said:

Some points in response to this. You call it lazy and dumb writing, but in-universe it's clearly a questionable decision - whilst the crew tell her to say yes, Tilly herself brings up reasons she shouldn't be. When Saru mentions that his number one is Ensign Tilly, Dadmiral Vance's look is of incredulity. Everyone outside the ship thinks it is a bad decision. To be honest, I think Starfleet should've, and probably will after this, assign a new, 31st century XO to Discovery. However, in Tilly's defence we know from S1 she is on the command track and possibly one of the few command-division officers aboard with experience. Honestly, there aren't that many other good picks for XO, although she is definitely too inexperienced at this stage.

Why does the crew tell her to say yes? Nobody knows. Because nobody knows the crew because of their joke level character development. So we just have to trust that they'd do that? With the crew it's all about "Tell", don't "Show". The writers need to SHOW that it's believable. The writers don't show anything, they just tell. That's why it's terribad writing that I honestly think a fan can do better.

The problem with telling and not showing is that it makes stuff completely unbelievable. It IS bad writing. Tilly has shown nothing that makes her deserving of being commander over the others. Just that they smile and nod at the idea which isn't showing at all but telling.

Picard had similar issues (though not as bad) with the telling of Picard's new attitudes and characteristics. You're meant to believe these changes can happen in the like 30 years since we last saw him. He does well with children. He tells people he loves them. He's got real attachments. People complained because none of this was shown, just told. Legit complain. I was lucky enough to be able to headcanon that so I didn't mind it (I minded other things in the show). Picard on the LAST episode of TNG started going to the Poker games. Picard let himself start to form attachments and that was his character arc and it took until the last episode to HINT at it. You see it a bit more in the movies where he's a bit more casual. Data dying could easily affect him especially after he let his guard down, where in earlier TNG seasons he handled it professionally (though was still upset) when he thought Data died, but since he didn't let his guard down it wasn't as haunting. Anyways, I'm just saying showing is NEEDED. You shouldn't rely on the trust involved in "telling" and shouldn't rely on "headcanon".

The telling isn't a plot hole. Maybe there's things behind the scenes that make everyone on Discovery think Tilly is a great choice. But we've not been shown. And what we've been shown is entirely lacking.


Bad writing (dear god I think I've adapted some Trump mannurisms... god no...).

The only reason there's no Discovery crew that were good picks is because we basically know nothing about them. The show isn't about them. Maybe someone would have logically been a better choice but even they would not have SHOWN it. So they might have had a similar problem to Tilly. But the one thing they have is rank and an opportunity to get to know them. We know Tilly pretty well and nothing says she has what it takes.

I have no doubt they'll try to show us Tilly has what it takes but it hasn't happened yet. So it seems forced.



This is reaching Star Wars episode 8/9 and Game of Thrones last season levels of absurdity where a fan could do better.

The art is good though! XD



Complaint 1007:

Why do all the badguys hesitate on killing anyone (always under orders not to) then the goodguys just vaporize them? The amount of times these people have been caught and could just be shot is outstounding.

Also why do the badguys always feel a need to go into punching range with their guns when holding prisoners? Just stun them from across the room dude?

Okay those aren't Star Trek specific lol. I'm just sick of those tropes.

Edited by BrickG

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I've gotta double post. It's too terrible not to. Watched the latest episode.


So Discovery is now basically a city ship? What the heck was with that Turbolift scene? WHAT? Is it a Tardis now? WHAT!? WHAT IS GOING ON!? This ship is 1000x bigger on the inside apparently because there were hundreds of turbolifts (being USED? or something...) in the ship an an absolutely MASSIVE room that couldn't hardly fit in a Borg Cube. WAHT!?

Oh god the level of stupid has gotten to a peak I didn't think possible. They just write what they want and don't care about anything.

Also, on a more minor but still incredibly stupid note. The scene where it's a 1000 year old ship, the USS Discovery, vs the ENTIRE Federation Fleet in their HQ and Discovery seemed to be WINNING?! WHAT!? That was before the threat of the "pesticide bombs" too when EVERY OTHER SHIP in the place that has 1000 years of better tech (I know Discovery was retrofit, but a retrofit can only go so far and wouldn't make it 100x more powerful than their modern ships!) and they seemed to be LOSING. Those ships couldn't take out one little retrofit 1000 year old ship. WHAT!?

What's going on?

I swear with 100% honesty, a teenager with a high school level of creative writing can write better than this.

This is as bad as Star Wars Episode 8. It's an absolute travesty. The writers should feel infinite shame.



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