Ok, before i start i should say that rigging a ship takes a lot of time and patience. I will explain my technique in the following pictures. First the rope, this time i use household rope from the local grocery store. You can use any rope you like, it should be about 2mm thick. Next we need some parts, in the upper left you see parts i build in the hull, to tie the rope. On the right there's the planking to make the rope ladders, red being the hull. The pins are to add thickness to the lower end of the rope ladders, it makes it look like it's smeired in with tar. We'll start withe the rope ladders in the lower section. Take one rope for the entire ladder, so here i needed 5 times one length. Use the pins in the lower end as shown, be shure to tie them tight, when finished it should look like this: Now to make the ropes even we tie a rope around the top end as shown: When you have done all the masts it should look like this: Now we shall tie down the bowsprite as shown in the picture: Next we'll take a long rope to fit all around the top of the masts to the back of the ship. Start by makin a small loop at one end: Now tie a rope around the lower bow, with the loop end in the middle: Now go all the way around the ship, note the black catroll in the rear: Now we'll tie down the masts in the middle, be sure the ropes don't hinder the sails / yards: Now we'll add a rope to the top of the bowsprite: Now we'll tie down the foremast as shown, again beware not to hinder the yards. I haven't used catrolls here, so i can simply add the foresails later: Now tie down the masts on the sides, note the ropes with the black catrolls, do this for all the masts: Now for the second part of the rope ladders, note the start point, the black antenna on the side of the platform and the long black pins: For the third and last part of the ladders we'll add the ratlines. Just tie 'm off with a single nut, weave them in and tie them of with a single nut on the other end. Be sure to tighten everything, cause errors are hard to re do...: Next we'll tie down the yards, in the picture is the one on the bowsprite, do this for every yard: Well this covers the basics, you can always add rope as you see fit. I do add a lot more, i just wanted to show you the basics. After all the steps it should look something like this: Well i hope this was helpfull, good luck!